Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


(POV) Chase


"By the way Boss, what ever happened to make you break up with Tasha Dooley? I hear you guys used to be in love, and then you broke her heart." I left the smirk on my face after seeing Davenport slowly work his way from mad, to furious. Davenport slowly stood up.

"Chase... What happened between Tasha and I, happened a long time ago. How did you even find out anyway?" Davenport asked snidely. I could tell I had hit a button I was need supposed to know was there. His face fell flat as he connected the dots. "Wait... This girl is Bree..." Davenport took a step forward and looked down at me, "isn't she."

"Wow, Mr. Davenport. I am deeply offended* that you would accuse me of something like this." I stated, though, the sarcasm was evident in my voice. "But I will admit... You accused me correctly." I finished. Davenport glared down at me as he let his fist hit the desk with force. The customers turned warily, wondering just what was happening behind the counter before returning to their original business. He shook his head before walking away, not looking back.

•Bree's POV•

"The Dooley family." Doctor Smith called us over. Tasha smiled happily before racing over. "The surgery went very well. Leo's asleep right now, but when he wakes up, you can take him home. Thank you for waiting, by the way. Tasha, why don't you come with me to see the X-rays. Kids, you can stay here. We'll be back in a sec." Tasha followed the doctor into the office he just came from. Adam sighed and turned to me, a look of determination on his face. I frowned as I waited for him to speak.

"Alright, while mom is gone, we need to make you a plan. Tomorrow you are going to, 'go to Caitlyn's house to study and help her with the whole Rodney thing'. I'll 'drive you'. But in reality, you'll come with me to Chase's so you two can come up with a plan. Also, most importantly, I can study." Adam said suddenly. I have to admit, it was a great plan. I never thought that would come from Adam. He always had a way of ruining plans, not making them up. He had a way with words when it came to this situation though, he ended up almost getting Chase and I together.

"Wait, is Chase okay with it?" I asked. Adam shrugged and thought for a second.

"Let me check." Adam said as he took out his phone. He quickly scrolled through his contacts and pulled up Chase's number. But, then I remembered. "Wait. He's at work." I stopped him. Adam laughed wholeheartedly, as if I had said something funny. I let my right eyebrow raise as I waited for his explanation. I didn't think it was that funny.

"So? I text him at work all the time." Adam said in a duh kind of tone. I rolled my eyes and waited for him to text Chase. Then, I heard my own phone ring in my back pocket. Adam stopped what he was doing and waited as I pulled up the text. It was from Chase.

From Chase :P, To Bree

Hey, Davenport knows about us. Let's just say I snapped. He might try to get ahold of Tasha, so be careful. I'm sorry Bree.

"Well this is just great. I might as well just tell Tasha about Chase and I." I sighed as I handed my phone to Adam. Adam's frowned in concentration as he read. He handed me back the phone before giving me his thoughts on this horrible situation.

"Yeah I agree. Just tell Tasha." Adam said. I was shocked, I thought after his first great idea, he might come up with a better one. But no, he just had to use the honesty card. I looked over to see if Tasha was done with the doctor, but there was no sign of her. I turned back to see Adam with a sly smile on his face.

"Or, maybe we should team up and get them back together." Adam wondered aloud. I smiled as I thought through all the possibilities. Tasha and Davenport could end up killing each other. Or worse, something worse could definitely happen.

"Get who back together?" Tasha asked as she put the papers into her purse. Adam and I looked up at each other and then back to Tasha. "I'm waiting."


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