Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


(POV) Bree


"Oh that was just Chase from Muffin Mania. He was annoying me about how they've had more customers recently because of the New Year's health kicks. I just told him to get over it because we always get the holidays and parties. With the fact that all the graduations are coming up, we'll be more busy, anyway." I lied warily. I was still worried Tasha saw Chase and I holding hands.

"Oh, sorry Bree. I didn't mean to think anything of that." Tasha replied vaguely. I knew there was something still on her mind. I just hoped it was Leo, and not the fact that I was talking with our rival from Mission Creek Mall.

As we entered the emergency section of the hospital, the receptionist motioned for us to follow. Tasha was shaking, which definitely scared Adam and I. No one in the family had ever been hurt this bad before.

"He's right in there. I think he'll be fine." The receptionist said with a reassuring tone. Tasha smiled back at her as we walked into the room.

"Oh, hey mom. I think I'm okay I just, ya-know, broke my bone or something...". Leo smiled back at his mom who was watching intently as the doctors hurried to get the boy ready for surgery.

"Leo how did this happen?" I asked as we moved over by the wall to get out of the way of the doctors. You don't want to mess with these people. They can fix you, but they can also hurt you severely.

"Well, this kid Eddy, and me, were like, hahahaha." Leo left off. The doctors stopped, even they hadn't heard what had happened to the confused boy.

"We gave him some laughing gas. We though if he was acting like a delusional fool, it was better than having a sixteen year old boy screaming and crying like a five year old girl." The main doctor stopped to tell the family what we had been silently asking.

"Oh course Doctor..." Tasha asked.

"Oh, my apologies. Doctor Smith. Jerry Smith. Nice to meet you Ms. Dooley." Dr. Smith shook Tasha's hand as she looked up at him a little warily. We had never dealt with this doctor before.

"Anyway. This kid Eddy told me we should sneak out of gym and go play a computer game. THEN, plot twist, the kid started to play one on one dodgeball with me. Long story short, the kid has a great arm, can throw like five dodgeballs a MINUTE. So, I climbed the rope and somewhere along the way, I fell! All the way to the ground!" Leo finished dramatically. I looked over at Adam, he was even confused. Which now that I think about it, was actually extremely plausible. When has Adam ever known what was going on?

"Don't worry, Ms. Dooley. The surgery will go well, and hopefully quick. I've done this kind of surgery multiple times, with every time, a success." The doctor said confidently.

"Doctor, we're ready." The nurse called the doctor over.

"Excellent... Let me talk to the family, and I'll see you there. Bring him to room O762." The doctor said. He slowly moved out of the way as they rolled Leo away.

"Don't worry, Leo's strong. The surgery will take about three hours so if you would like to go home to wait, you can. The waiting room is also available. But either way, we will notify you by phone call. Thank you, and Leo will be ready shortly." The doctor said. He turned away and walked toward where they took Leo.


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