Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


(POV) Bree


"Bree get some sleep, it's been a long day. But, delete that boys number. I never want you to even look at him again." Tasha said before walking out into the hallway.

I picked up my phone off the ground and looked back at text Chase had sent me. This couldn't be how he wanted things to end. I know that Davenport and Tasha want things to end, but... In my book, things are just getting started.

I could hear people talking out in the hall. I slowly got myself up off the floor. Somehow I fell asleep down here. I really didn't remember ever making an attempt to get up off he floor, though. I got up to take a shower. I got dressed then checked my phone.

1 unread text

From Adam

Bree, climb out your window when you get up. Wait, you should text me first

Typical Adam. I sighed and texted my weirdo of a brother back. Shat could he have planned this time?

To Adam, From Bree

Kay, I'm up. I'll meet you out there.

I slowly opened up the window before looking back at my room. I hoped Tasha wouldn't notice I left. Knowing Adam, we could be gone for a while. But also knowing Tasha, I walked back to my door and quietly locked it so she couldn't get in. Hopefully this would keep her thinking I was so mad, I wouldn't leave my room.

I jumped onto the tree and climbed down it until I jumped the last four feet. When I reached the ground, I saw Adam's car across the street waiting for me. I ran over quickly and climbed in the passenger's side. Adam smiled as I shut the door and turned to face him.

"Hey, I heard what happened last night. I think you and Chase need to talk." Adam said as he started the car. I felt my eyes grow wide as I realized what he was doing.

"No wait," I stated, Adam stopped. "I don't want to see him, and he doesn't want to see me." I finished slowly, knowing Adam would be confused if I didn't show him what had actually happened last night. He may have heard Tasha and I, but he hasn't read what Chase had said to me. I handed him my phone. Adam looked and as his eyes traveled down the message, his face fell. Adam shook his head and handed me back my phone.

"Bree, can't you tell? He didn't want to do this, but he had to. Davenport probably made him send it. He wouldn't have said this otherwise." Adam explained. I rolled my eyes, knowing there was no way to get out of this. He was taking me to see Chase either way today.

"Fine, let's just go." I said as he started to drive down to Chase's house. I looked back at the house to see Tasha making her way to her car. She looked over and saw Adam's car driving away. I ducked down until we turned the street corner. That was close. Tasha could not know I was leaving with Adam.

•Chase's POV•

I waited in the living room for Adam to get here. He had texted me earlier today that e would be coming over. That, and we had decided that i was going to help him study yesterday. He needed me more than anything. My parents left this morning. Now it's eleven o' clock. I heard footsteps outside the door.


That must be Adam. I opened the door to see Adam with someone else coming up the walk. I frowned as I watched to see who it was.

"Come on in." I said as Adam walked through the door. I held it open until I finally saw Bree look up. She continued walking until she came to the door. She looked exhausted. Maybe she was up all night like I was. I couldn't stop thinking about her. About us.

"Hey." She sighed as she stopped. I smiled slightly at her, not knowing what to do or say.

"Hey. Um... Come in." I said motioning for her to step inside. I didn't want to be rude, that, and I also wanted to talk with her. I had no idea she would actually be showing up today. though.

"Thanks." She smiled slightly as she stepped through the door. I closed it and followed her to the couch where Adam had already sat down. Bree sat down closer to Adam and I sat down on the couch across from them. I didn't want to cross any lines with her. I had already messed up enough.

"So, what's up." I asked. Adam sighed and looked to Bree before turning back to me.

•Bree's POV•

"So, what's up?" Chase asked. Adam sighed.l before looking between us.

"Oh, you know. Just you two acting like your not supposed to be together, when you really are." Adam explained as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. I looked up from the floor to Chase. He slowly looked from Adam to me. Just seeing him looking at me made me get the butterflies in my stomach back. I smiled up at him and immediately his face lit up.

"He's right, you know." Chase concurred as he stood up and made his way toward me. I laughed as I looked to see Adam growing uncomfortable.

"Umm... Chase? Can I go up to your room and study?" Adam asked slowly, stumbling on his words. Chase laughed and nodded back.

"Yeah. Go on up, Adam." Chase smiled. Adam smiled and made his way up the stairs. I turned to face Chase. This would hopefully go well. I couldn't lose him again.

"So, you think we should be together?" I asked as I stood up and made my way over to him.

"I know we should." Chase finished for me. He took the last step towards me. He sighed and took my hands in his. I felt a tingle to through my hand and up my arm at his touch.

"Bree... Will you be my-" Chase started, but was interrupted by the front door opening.

"I thought I told you never to talk to him again!" Tasha yelled through the house. I silently gasped as I looked over to see Tasha and Davenport busting through the door. This was bad.

"Chase what are you doing... You gave me your word!" Davenport yelled as he pointing towards me. Chase groaned quietly as Davenport glared back to him.

"Mr. Davenport." Chase stated as he turned his attention to the door where my mother and his boss stood angrily.

"Tasha..." I continued slowly. This situation could not get any worse.

"What are you doing here?" Chase and I said in union. How could they have found us here? Tasha had always said that she would never step foot on this property or Davenport's.

"We're here, to stop whatever this is." Davenport yelled motioning between Chase and I. I rolled my eyes at the two. This was getting of of hand.

"We don't care whether your dating, or just friends. But either way, we want this to stop." Tasha yelled. Davenport nodded in agreement.

"I don't get why this is such a big deal you guys!" I yelled. Chase nodded.

"Yeah, so what if we want to be together!" Chase yelled back as he grabbed my hand.

"You two have a business to run in less than a year. Your 17, how could you possibly think this could work?" Davenport tried to reason, but what Chase said next even threw me.

"I know it will work! I'm in love with her!"


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