Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


(POV) Bree

"Okay, but don't take too long." She called back. I walked back into my room and picked up the red book again. I turned it over and opened it from the back.

What I found inside almost broke my heart,


You are the love of my life, and I hope I am yours. I can't imagine my life without you.

Will you marry me?

And there, tapped to the bottom of the last page, was the biggest diamond ring I have ever seen (Tasha's ring off to the side). I dropped the book. I looked around. And the next thing I know, is Adam and Caitlyn rushing into my room.

"Bree are you okay?" Adam asked. I just nodded back then pointed to the book. Adam kneeled down on the floor then picked it up. He read it, shut it, then quickly shoved it on one of my shelves.

"Bree... You have to hide this. Never tell her you found this." Adam said sternly and he grabbed Caitlyn's hand and drug her out of my room.

I had to tell Chase. That was all there was to it. I couldn't just keep this to myself. I took out the book one last time and took a picture of it.

To Chase :P

This plan, has just reached the next level.

I slipped my phone back into my pocket and headed downstairs for the weirdest dinner I think I will ever have. I could not let Tasha know that I found that... If she even knew it was there.

•Chase's POV•

I smiled as I heard my phone ring in my pocket. I pulled it out to see I had gotten a text from Bree.

From Bree <3

This plan, has just reached the next level.

I opened the picture attached. The first thing I saw, was the diamond ring. After I read the note, though, I dropped the phone. Davenport proposed? He had simply told me that he was going to have a fancy dinner for her that night! I never thought it would lead this far. I sighed as I bend down to pick up my phone. Davenport wasn't around, so I could probably close up the shop now. I had no business being here otherwise. Especially when there was a bigger problem over at Bree's place. I wonder how she's holding up.

•Adam's POV•

I sighed as I took Caitlyn downstairs for dinner. We walked in silence as I led her to the table where mom was setting up dinner.

"Hey, mom? Can I talk to you for a second?" I asked as she was placing the plates of food on the table.

"Yeah, honey. What's up." She asked after placing the last plate on the table.

"Well... Caitlyn and I are back together. And, I was wondering if she could stay for dinner." I said as I glanced over at Caitlyn.

"Oh my gosh... I'm so happy for you two! Of course you can stay for dinner, Caitlyn." Tasha said as she ran back to the kitchen to make another plate.

•Bree's POV•

I walked down the stairs after I heard Tasha squeal about Adam and Caitlyn getting back together. I took a deep breathe as I reached the end of the stairs. I was not ready for this, but I had to act normal.

"Hey mom." I said as I walked into the dining room to see Adam, Caitlyn, Leo, and mom sitting at the table waiting for me. I took my seat, and the conversation started.

"So, how did you two get back together?" Tasha wondered aloud as she leaned in for the full effect. Adam took hold of Caitlyn's hand under the table before I began to drone out the conversation.

I sat there the whole dinner, only nodding and laughing when appropriate. Tasha didn't even notice my mood change. She just went along talking with the happy couple while Leo made jokes. When I was finished, I stood up.

"Thank you for dinner, mom. Umm... I'm kind of tired, I think I'm going to bed." I said as I made my way to the stairs. I couldn't even face her right now without wanting to tell her what I had found out.

"Well sleep well, honey. I'll see you in the morning." Tasha called, but was then brought back to the conversation. I rolled my eyes at how sociable everyone could be when I felt the least like making small talk. Not with everything I had found out today. I walked into my room and closed my door before dragging myself over to my closet and throwing on some pajamas. I threw my phone onto my bedside table as I switched off the lights, falling straight into her afterwards.

All I could think about before I fell asleep, was how big that ring was... And if Chase would ever give me a ring that big.


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