Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


(POV) Bree

"You two have a business to run in less than a year. Your 17, how could you possibly think this could work?" Davenport tried to reason, but what Chase said next even threw me.

"I know it will work! I'm in love with her!" Chase yelled back. After that, he stormed up the stairs to his room with me following close behind. We walked into Chase's room where we found Adam with his ear pressed against the door.

"Adam, what are you doing?" Chase asked as we walked in. Chase shut the door behind me and we looked to Adam, waiting for his response.

"I'm trying to hear what's going on down there." Adam replied in a duh tone, acting as though it was all too obvious. I rolled my eyes.

"Chase, Adam came up with the idea that we should get Mr. Davenport and Tasha back together... I think it could work." I said. Chase nodded knowingly.

"I think it could too. But how do we even know where to start?" Chase asked. I thought for a second.

"Well, they're already down there talking. That's a start." Adam pointed out as he moved away from the door. I laughed as he stood up straight.

"What if we set them up on a blind date to say, 'sorry for disobeying', them?" I asked, getting back on the subject. Chase looked to Adam to see his reaction, then back to me.

"I think that is the perfect way to get them back together." Chase agreed. I smiled and turned to see Adam thinking the same as we were.

"Oh wait! I know what to do for the date. Davenport said that he had a romantic dinner planed for their anniversary when his parents made them break up. It could be perfect." Chase suggested. I frowned in confusion. Tasha and Davenport's parents made them break up? This was new to me.

"What do you mean made them break up?" I asked, wondering just when Davenport had relayed this information to Chase. Chase smiled slyly at me. I looked over to see Adam looking just as confused as I was.

"Their parents thought the relationship would distract from the shops. They came to Davenport on the night of their one year anniversary and told him to break up with Tasha. He's still in love with Tasha, and Tasha is still in love with Davenport." Chase explained with a smile. Now we know for a fact this was going to work. They couldn't say no once we forced them to work everything out.

"Yes! Now all we have to do is find out what Davenport was planning for the date." I said, knowing this plan would take more than just what we knew already. Chase nodded as Adam clapped his hands together.

"Well, looks like you two have got this thing covered. So I guess I'll just watch Leo and everything will turn out okay." Adam said with a smile as he sat back at Chase's desk. I laughed as I looked over to see he had done no studying. He really does need Chase to graduate. Kid has like a three second attention span.

"I guess we'll see you later Chase. Text me if you find out anything." I said as I grabbed Adam and led him out the door.

"Okay. Bye guys. I'll walk you out." Chase said following behind Adam and I.

"Come on Bree, we're leaving." Tasha stated as we walked down the steps. I sighed and walked up to Tasha and Davenport.

"Look Tasha. I'm sorry to cause so much trouble. Adam thought it would be better if Chase and I ended things in person instead of just over text. I got overwhelmed when I saw him but now, I know better. I didn't mean to cause a scene and neither did Chase. Right Chase?" I asked.

Chase's POV

"Right Chase?" Bree asked. I nodded along and walked over to stand by my unofficial girlfriend.

"Oh, yeah. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. Also, I had to let Bree know how I felt towards her before we ended things." I explained to Davenport and Tasha. The nodded slowly and turned to each other before Tasha shook her head and began to head out the door.

"It's alright kids. Just don't let it happen again. It was nice to see you, Tasha." Davenport said turning to face Tasha directly. Tasha kept a straight face as she turned back to face the love of her life.

"You too, Donald. Now, come on Bree and Adam. Leo should be just waking up." Tasha said, trying to hurry us out the door. Donald sighed silently and tried again to talk with Tasha.

"Oh wait! How is the little guy? I mean if you guys need any help, I'm available." Davenport said sounding so genuine. Tasha smiled as she let her mind fall back to Leo.

"He's okay. He had surgery yesterday right after he got to the hospital, but now he's just resting." Tasha said reassuringly. Donald nodded, knowing that was all he would get from her. You could tell he wanted to talk.

"Well, give him my best. And seriously, if you need any help... Here's my number, call any time." Davenport said getting out a business card with his contact info on it. Tasha looked down quizzically as she examined the card. It probably wasn't the best idea to give her a Muffin Mania card.

"Thank you, Donald. I will." Tasha said. They locked eyes for a moment. Through the look, you could tell so much emotion. You could see the love that they had been holding back for years now. Tasha was the first to look away. She opened the door, then turned back to look at Adam and Bree. Bree got the point and began to move towards the door pushing Adam ahead of her. Tasha continued out and walked down to her car. Adam left second. Then, before Bree left, she turned back to look at me. She had her phone in her hand and motioned to it. I nodded back at her.

"By Chase, see you in school." Bree said calmly. I nodded back and took my phone out of my pocket, reassuring her that I would text her.

"By Bree." I said with a small wave.

To Davenport and Tasha, this seemed like the final goodbye. But to us, we knew, this was far from over.


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