Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


(POV) Bree


Chase leaned in close before saying this, "Details. I like the little things. It keeps the story moving." Chase smirked as my voice got caught in my throat. I suddenly became very aware of how close we were.

"Okay, it all started when Tasha and Donald saw each other from across the hall, in this very high school, so many years ago..."

"They saw each other, and it was love at first sight. They were at the end of their junior year when this happened. Davenport made the first move. He simply said hi, as Tasha put it. That was all it took. They became wrapped up in a summer romance after the school year ended. They spent every second they could together. When senior year came around, they both agreed to keep it a secret that they had been dating all summer. Davenport was popular, while Tasha was kind of popular; it would have thrown the school out of wack." I took a pause as Chase looked deep into my eyes. We were both aware of how close this situation was to our own. We had been looking at each other from a far for so long now. But today, it was the start of something.

"So, their romance continued until a month before graduation, when, as a present, their parents gave them each a business in the mall: Cupcake City and Muffin Mania. The two shops had been rivals forever and when Davenport and Tasha took over, the same came to them. They became rivals. Davenport ended it with Tasha the night before graduation. Tasha was heartbroken, she really thought it could work. And to this day, they have never spoken." I finished and looked up at Chase. He was shocked by the story. He never known Davenport had a heart. He only knew him as the heartless boss that made him work through all hours of the night.

"So why did Tasha get married again? If she loved Davenport as much a she did." Chase wondered aloud. I thought back to my adoptive dad.

"She wanted a way to get over him. She met Douglas that summer after graduation. Douglas loved her about he same as Davenport did. She didn't know if she would ever love him the way she loved Davenport, though. So, when Douglas proposed, she was hesitant, but said yes. They were married up until a few months ago." I said, thinking of where Douglas was now. A dead beat dad living in southern New Mexico. He was heartbroken when he saw the way Tasha looked at Davenport through the shop windows everyday, so he finally gave up and left. Tasha was sad at first but now she seemed fine. To this day though, she still has no idea why Douglas left. Only Adam, Leo, and I were able to figure it out.

"Oh. Wait, how did you end up in all this?" Chase wondered a little warily. He didn't want to step over any boundaries. I sighed, this was it.

"Um... Well... Alright, but this is the part where you have to understand, I had nothing to do with it... The bad part anyway. The other thing, just kind of happened." I stated, thinking of my dad and brother.

"Bree, I told you. Nothing you tell me will affect this," Chase said motioning between the two of us, "in any way."

"Okay, here it goes. My mom, died of cancer when I was 6. And my brother was murdered... By my dad... When I was 13." Bree paused to look up at Chase. He took it all in very quickly. Adam had told him I was adopted into their family, and that my background was a little scattered. I could tell that he was still shocked by what he had just found out about me. Why was I so willing to tell him all this in the first place? I just met him. I know that Adam and Chase are best friends, and I can probably trust him just from that... but still.

"When my dad was arrested, Tasha heard, and adopted me. I had been working at Cupcake City for about a month before the incident happened. So Tasha thought it would be best if she stepped in, and adopted me. " I finished. Chase smiled sympathetically.

"It's okay, Bree. I know that you had nothing to do with that, and I'm also sorry about your Mom and brother." Chase leaned over and pulled me into a sideways hug. I smiled, the only people I had told that story too were my family (Tasha, Leo, and Adam). But now Chase knew, and finally telling someone else felt good.

"Well, we have about 10 minutes before lunch ends. Do you want to play 20 questions?" Chase smiled as I looked up at him.

"Yeah. Who goes first?" I sighed. Lunch went to fast, I wish I could spend more time with Chase... Or at least have a class or two with him.

"I'll go. What's your favorite color?" Chase asked. I laughed and thought for a second.

"I think light pink, purple, or turquoise. What about you?" I turned to face Chase to see him deep in thought.

"Probably navy blue or black. Ummm... What's your favorite tv show?" Chase smiled thinking of all the shows he hoped he and I had in common.

"I think maybe Friends since I get home so late, and there's usually nothing else on." I replied thinking of all the late nights at work with Tasha.

"Cool, I think that's mine, too." Chase smiled, he and I had something in common. The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.

"Dang, I can walk you to class. If you want." Chase suggested as we picked up our things.

"Yeah, that'd be great." I smiled. I stood up and Chase followed me to the main building. Chase reached down and grabbed my hand as we walked towards my study hall class. I got butterfly's when I glanced over to see him smiling at me. I wish we could do this all the time.

When we stopped by the door, I turned to face Chase with a smile as he smiled back at me. I saw someone out of the corner of my eye down by the main office coming towards me. As I looked closer, it was the one person I had hoped I wouldn't see here. Chase frowned as my smile fell. I dropped Chase's hand and pushed him away. Chase followed my gaze, and when he finally saw why I had let go, he walked quickly away.

"What are you doing here, Tasha?" I asked as Tasha walked towards me. This was not good.


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