Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


(POV) Bree


"Yeah, so. Why do you need to know." Bree said getting a little defensive. She knew Tasha had told her never to tell anyone. Tasha finally had a daughter to share her life stories with. Bree was happy she was trusted with this information, and she didn't want to wreck that.

"Well, you know how it involves that Davenport guy, which then leads back to Chase..." Adam left off as he mentioned Chase. Adam and Chase were best friends, and Adam knew how Bree had feelings, even though she may not admit it, towards Chase.

"And?" Bree asked feeling annoyed that Adam may know how she felt.

"Chase wants to know." Adam finished.

Bree suddenly went from annoyed, to a little worried. She didn't know how to react. Adam had just brought up the fact that Tasha and Davenport had a relationship, let alone the fact that Chase wanted to know about it.

"Look, Bree. I'm pretty sure that he just wants to talk with you, and this is his excuse. But, Davenport is also involved in this, which, involves Chase. He should probably know, anyway." Adam explained, trying to calm his sister down. Adam could see that the two would be perfect together. Chase had liked Bree for so long now, and Adam knew Bree felt the same.

"Well then he can ask Davenport. I told Tasha I wouldn't tell. I also just told her half an hour ago that I would never get involved with Chase. She is barely okay with you and Chase being friends. Why would I want to ruin things with Tasha, just so I might be able to talk to Chase? And, if I was to go along with this, what about Davenport?" Bree countered as she glanced back at Tasha, making sure she wasn't suspicious.

"I know about all that, but," Adam paused so he could whisper the last part, "what mom and Davenport don't know, won't hurt them." Adam finished, looking down at his sister. Bree glanced down at her feet. She felt Adam's eyes on her. Now she knew for sure that her liking towards Chase was above obvious.

"What do you mean?" Bree stated quietly as she looked up at her brother. She knew exactly what Adam meant, but she wanted the details. She needed to know for sure.

"I mean, I have Chase's number. He told me to give it to you. You guys can hang out at lunch so they won't know. And... I know for a fact, that Chase feels the same way." Adam rambled with a smile as he saw Bree's face light up slightly at the mention of Chase liking her. Adam was happy he may have convinced his little sister that having a relationship with Chase, may not be so bad.

"Hey guys, dinner's ready." Tasha called with Leo already standing right behind her.

Adam turned back to his sister, "You have till after dinner to tell me whether you want this, or not." Adam whispered as he walked away with a slip of paper which could only hold, Chase's number.

There was little conversation, given the fact that Bree had just had an intense conversation with both Adam, and Tasha. Both about the boy working at Muffin Mania. Bree just barely came to realize that she had, and still has, feelings for him. But everyone else seemed to realize that before she did.

Through dinner, Bree sat, thinking only of Chase. She really wanted to get to know Chase more than anything. After dinner, she followed Adam to his room. As she shut the door, Adam turned to her.

"Do you want this?" Adam asked, pulling the slip of paper out of his pocket. Bree nodded vigorously, excited in an instant at even the sight if Chase's number before her.

"Yeah, I guess I do." Bree sighed, trying to act as casual about this as possible. On the inside though, she was freaking out. One of the most popular boys in school, actually wanted to talk with her. This was huge.

"Good, I knew you'd make the right decision." Adam mumbled as Bree walked out the door. Bree frowned as she caught bits and pieces of what her brother had said.

"What?" Bree asked, turning to face her brother from the doorway. Adam's eyes went wide as he realized she had heard.

"Nothing." Adam answered. He was happy it was enough for Bree. She turned and left the room without another word.

As Bree walked into her room, she realized there were really only two things she had to think about. What kind of relationship did Chase want? And... If they had one, would Tasha and Davenport ever find out?

•Adam's POV•

I felt an eye roll coming on at the two love birds I was dealing with. These two were so obviously falling for each other it was insane. There was really only one thing left to do, tell Chase I had done as he had asked. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and pulled up his number before sending him a text. He would soon be occupied by texting Bree, so now was my chance.

To Chase, from Adam
I gave her your number just like you asked :)

From Chase
Did she seem happy?

To Chase, from Adam
Why don't you ask her yourself?

From Chase
I think I will :P


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