Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


(POV) Bree

Adam and Caitlyn headed up to Adam's room to finish up the movie they were watching. So now, I'm on Leo duty.

"Bree, can you get me my phone from my bedside table?" Leo asked as he looked away from the tv.

"Didn't you already tell everyone in your phone that you broke your leg?" I asked, knowing he had been watching tv and had been texting all day. Not that he was particularly popular, but still.

"Well yeah, but Jannel might have texted me back. You know, me and that little lady might be headed somewhere." Leo said with a sly smile as he looked over at me and winked. Now's my chance.

"Isn't Jannel taller than you?" I teased as i thought of how short my little brother was as of right now. His smile went flat as he looked back at me.

"Just get me my dang phone." Leo stated simply. I smirked and stood up, knowing my comment meant nothing compared to his power right now. Dang broken leg.

I went into his room then grabbed his phone. I looked over at a picture frames hanging on the wall. One was of the family right after Tasha adopted me. The other was of Adam, Chase, and Leo. I didn't know they hung out. Why hasn't Tasha gotten mad about it? She chewed me out for just texting the guy but she'll let Adam and Leo take pictures with him? That just doesn't seem right.

I walked back down the stairs to see Leo had fallen asleep and Tasha was making dinner in the kitchen. I set Leo's phone down on the table then walked over to Tasha. If Leo was asleep then she couldn't yell at me, right?

"Hey, Tasha." I said in a hushed tone as I made my way to the kitchen. I hopped up on the counter across from Tasha who was at the stove.

"Hey, Bree. How was the shop? Really busy?" Tasha asked, a hopefulness evident in her voice. She loved it when the shop was busy.

"Oh, you know. It's about the same everyday." I said, thinking back to my conversation with Danielle.

"Bree, is something on your mind? You can tell me, you know." Tasha said. I sighed, I wasn't sure if I would ever be able to tell her about things again.

"Well you know how you and Davenport kept your relationship a secret because the school would get thrown out of wack? Well, even with Chase and I only hanging out yesterday, things are happening." I left off, waiting for her reaction. She had stopped mixing the pasta about half way through my story. She turned to face me.

"Bree, please tell me you two didn't talk while you were at the mall." Tasha said calmly. I shook my head quickly, hoping she wouldn't catch onto my silent lie.

"No, we didn't talk. But... You and Davenport aren't the only ones who didn't want us together." I finished as Tasha started to get worried.

"Bree, who came to the shop?" Tasha questioned as she turned to face me. I sighed.

"This girl, Danielle, that dated Chase last year. She was mad that we were hanging out so her and her followers came in, bought cupcakes, and pretty much told me to back off." I mumbled reluctantly. I looked up from the floor to see Tasha watching me intently.

"What did you say?" Tasha asked worriedly.

"I said that we were only going to be friends, then we decided not to, and that Chase has the right to talk to whoever he wants." I explained simply, not going into grave details that could get me into trouble.

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