Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


(POV) Chase

I left the shop and drove home. Being 17, and having a car, has it's advantages. I got home and went up to my room still thinking of Bree. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out and saw it was Adam.

From Adam

I gave her your number just like you asked :)

From Chase, To Adam

Did she seem happy?

From Adam

Why don't you ask her yourself?

To Adam

I think I will :P

Adam gave me Bree's number a while ago. If you couldn't tell already, I've had feelings for Bree for a while. Since sophomore year, to be exact. There was always something different about her. Maybe it was the way she broke all the records in track, or the way that she could stand up for what she believed in. Probably the best thing about her would be that she chose friends that liked her, for her. The only real friend I have is Adam. All the rest are just near me for the popularity. The only reason I'm popular, is because of my grades. People just enjoy to cheat off of me.

Sometimes I wish that I could just walk away from it all, tell them how I feel. But then where would I be? I would be the geek that no one talked to. It's not like I'm good at anything else but school. The popularity just kind of came along with the grades. After I let Danielle cheat off of me, the rest of the populars followed. Soon enough, I was the most popular boy in school. My phone lit up again. I glanced down to see it was the one person I have never had the courage to talk to.

From Bree <3

Hey :) this is Bree, I got your number from Adam. He said you had something to talk with me about

Immediately my mood went from horrible, to amazing. It felt great to know she wanted to talk.

To Bree <3, From Chase

Yeah, kinda :) Do you want to eat lunch together tomorrow?

From Bree <3

Yeah, do you want to eat out front by the stairs?

To Bree <3, From Chase

Yeah, that sounds cool. I'll see you tomorrow :)

From Bree <3

Okay, Bye :) <3

Wow, she sent a heart. I also put one by her contact name for obvious reasons. I can't wait for tomorrow! This will be the first time that I can actually talk to her and not have Davenport and Dooley watching our backs. I had a bad feeling about it though, going against their words was never something Bree and I had done.

** the next day **

•Bree's POV•

I woke up and checked my phone.

From Chase :P

Hey Beautiful :) good morning

When did he start calling me that? It's so sweet! What do I say back?

To Chase :P, From Bree

Hey handsome, I gotta get ready but I'll see you at lunch :)

From Chase :P

Okay, see you then <3

I curled my hair and put on a pink plaid shirt and shorts. Then after a long search, I found my turquoise converses. I headed down the stairs to see everyone else already eating. I smiled and made my way over to the table.

"Hey guys. Thanks for breakfast, Tasha." I said as I sat down. I've had a smile on my face since I got up. Already, talking to Chase makes me so happy. Adam smiled slyly at me. Dang, he probably knows where my good mood is coming from. He better not say anything.

•Adam's POV•

When Bree came down the stairs, I could see she was extremely happy. Times like these, made me glad I was an older brother. I was able to tease her when mom was completely clueless. Plus, Chase was my best friend. Even more people to pick on.

"Hey Bree. Why so happy?" I asked sarcastically as she took her seat across from me. Leo and Mom looked at me funny, but I brushed it off.

"Oh, just a morning person, I guess. How did you guys sleep?" Bree said, easily slipping herself out of the question I had asked. Too bad she was Mom's favorite, she was able to get away with everything.

"Well, thank you." Tasha said as she picked up our plates. Leo and I stood up while Bree quickly picked up a piece of toast off the plate mom had taken from her. Leo laughed as she glared back at us. Serves her right for taking that long to get ready.

"Ready for school?" Leo asked as he threw his backpack over his shoulder.

"Yeah, let me grab my backpack and we can go." Bree said walking towards the stairs.

"Me, too." I said, taking the opportunity to talk with her. I followed her up to her room where I shut the door quietly, not wanting mom or Leo to hear this.

•Bree's POV•

I knew Adam could tell I spoke to Chase last night, given the fact that he was the only one who knew about Chase and I exchanging numbers. All thanks to Adam Dooley, the matchmaker.

"Actually, I'd like to call myself, the love whisperer*." Adam said as he strolled into my room. I looked over at him with a confused face. Had he read my mind? "You were thinking aloud."

"Oh," I was kind of embarrassed considering I just called him a matchmaker but whatever, "So I guess you can already tell I talked to Chase last night, and just to get rid of any confusion, yes, I have liked him for a while." Adam nodded with a smirk on his face.

"How long is a while?" He asked with a smile on his face. I rolled my eyes before answering.

"Since the beginning of this school year." I answered while he smirked back again. I sighed.

"Okay, what now? You keep making weird faces at me, and I know that you know something that I don't... so what?" I stated. He looked at me and his facial expression changed as he thought about what to say next.

"Let's just say, somebody, somewhere*... Feels the same, and has for a little bit longer that." Adam spoke very vaguely knowing that one, whoever this someone might be, would kill him if he told, and two, Leo was calling us so we could leave. I could already tell this day, would be interesting.


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