White Water Rafting part 1

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A/N: My phone had an issue updating the chapter that was published yesterday so if you didn't read the chapter "Visitors" you should do that before reading this one. Btw this is based on my white water rafting trip some of you might of gone rafting differently so I might describe it differently then what you did.

The next morning Cancer woke up, got dressed and walked out of her room. When she got downstairs, Virgo was frying eggs (uh oh), Aquarius was talking to Virgo and everyone else was sitting at the table waiting.

"Hi guys!" said Cancer.

"Yes she's here, now let's eat!" said Aries.

"Hey Virgo. I dare you to flip the egg out of the frying pan and catch it without breaking the yolk," said Aquarius.

"I bet he can't," taunted Leo.

"No! Virgo don't you dare!" said Capricorn.

"Tch I can do that easily," then Virgo flipped the egg up in the air but a gentle breeze blew the egg away and it landed on Capricorn's head. Gemini giggled.

"I'll help," said Taurus as she helped Capricorn clean the egg out of her hair. Then Capricorn went to wash the rest out of her hair.

"Gemini did it! She made the egg move!" said Virgo.

"What? Me? I wouldn't dare! You're just pointing the finger because you messed up," said Gemini innocently.

"Didn't you guys feel that breeze too?" asked Virgo.

"Nope. Must of been your imagination," said Libra.

"Guys hurry up and eat we're going rafting in two hours and I'm really excited for that therefore I will not tolerate you guys making me late," said Sagittarius.

"Ooh Sagittarius knows how to use the words therefore and tolerate," tormented Leo. Sagittarius put Leo in a headlock.

"Maybe we would be able to eat if Virgo didn't dump an egg on Capricorn," said Scorpio.

"I'll just get everyone some cereal," said Pisces. Then he got up and poured twelve bowls of cereal for everyone.


Later on everyone had their wetsuits, life jackets, helmets, paddles, etc. They were sitting inside the rafting hut filling out papers when a rafting instructor came in. Then she started explaining the rules.

After everyone was finished signing the papers they got on a bus with the two rafting instructors. After about a twenty minute drive they arrived at the spot they were going rafting. Everyone got off the bus and looked around.

"We're going rafting!" said Sagittarius with excitement written across his face.

"I'm a little nervous," said Taurus looking at the river.

"I can't drown though so I'm safe," said Cancer.

"You can't drown? So you're really good at holding your breath?" asked one of the instructors.

Cancer smiled. "Something like that."

"Okay I'm Jake and the other instructor over there is Sheila. Everyone pick a raft and hop in. We need two brave and strong people in the front," announced the second instructor.

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