Family Reunion

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After everyone moved out, Phoenix sold her house and moved into to the mansion with Pegasus. Fifteen years later, everyone planned on coming back for a reunion.


Taurus got out of the car and opened the door. A little girl with short black hair and bangs, and blue eyes grabbed Taurus' hand and climbed out. Taurus closed the door and walked around the car. Aquarius held a baby in one arm and he held hands with an older boy with the other. They both smiled and walked up to the house.

"Can I knock, mommy?" asked the little girl.

"Sure," replied Taurus.

The little girl grinned and knocked on the door. It swung open.

"Oh my god! You're back!" Pegasus smiled at the other constellations. Pegasus was twenty one years old now.

"They're back?!?" Phoenix ran into the room and grinned. "EEEEEEK LET ME SEE THE KIDS. Come meet aunt Phoenix."

Taurus laughed. "This is Shay, she's six."

Shay smiled and gave Phoenix a hug. "Nice to meet you."

"And who are they?" asked Phoenix while glancing at the two boys with Aquarius.

"I am the best child and my parents personal favourite. My name is Ryan," introduced the boy holding Aquarius' hand. Ryan had black hair and blue eyes. He was eight.

Aquarius smiled at the baby in his arms. He had blond hair. "This is Aquarius junior."

Taurus put her hands on her hips. "That's not his name!"

"His name is Terrance. He's only nine months old."

"Is anyone else here yet?" asked Taurus.

Phoenix shook her head. "Nope. You guys are the first."

Shay looked around. "Can I explore?"

"Go right ahead," said Aquarius. "There's a treehouse in the backyard."

Shay and Ryan ran off to play.

"Can I hold him?" asked Phoenix while reaching for the baby. Aquarius smiled and handed Terrance to Phoenix. "EEEEEEK! Look at his tiny hands and his chubby cheeks."

Everyone heard a car door close outside.

"I wonder who's coming next!" grinned Aquarius.

"Let's all guess. I'm guessing Virgo and Scorpio," said Pegasus.

"Hmm... Cappy and Libby!" guessed Aquarius.

Taurus shrugged. "Sagittarius and Cancer."

"It won't be them because Sagittarius is always late," chuckled Aquarius.

"Oh yeah!"

The door flew open.

"Ladieeeeeeeeeeees and geeeeeeeeeeeetlement. I present to you... VIRGO!" Virgo marched through the door. A little girl confidentially marched behind him.

Terrance woke up and started crying.

"Virgo! You woke my baby!" scolded Aquarius.

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