Sesshomaru x Reader (pt.2)

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So! Here is part 2! I am excited to write this part because this is what I literally wanted to write the entire time but while I'm writing my ideas just completely get away from me and I end up writing a novel and a half haha But anyway, yes here it is!

Finally I have written it!

I hope you like it! Enjoy!


Rin yawned and squeaked slightly as she stretched her tiny body across the grass, then she noticed you were not beside her as you usually would be when she would wake up. Sitting up abruptly, the little girl glanced around in a panic and saw Sesshomaru sitting against the base of a tree not far from her. His eyes were closed and he seemed to not be sleeping, but instead it looked as if he were worried or troubled by something.

'I wonder whats wrong with Lord Sesshomaru this morning?' She thought to herself as she crawled over to the silent dog demon, sitting herself by his side then looking up at his face. The stillness remained for a moment until Rin began to feel restless and curious of where you had disappeared to without telling her. "Lord Sesshomaru..." Her voice was gentle, so as to not completely disrupt the peace of the demon, that was until he shifted slightly. "Where is Lady (y/n)? She is usually beside me as I wake up, but today she seems to be gone. Do you know where she may be?" The innocence in her voice caused Sesshomaru to open his eyes then look toward the sky, avoiding her eyes.

The dog demon found it hard to respond for the first time in his life, he could not find the words to explain to Rin why you had left, for he himself did not truly know why you hadn't trusted him anymore. He did not want to hurt Rin and make it feel as if she were the reason you had decided to leave so unexpectedly. "She has gone, Rin." He finally responded in a bleak tone as his eyes never wavered from the clouds that rested above the tree tops. "She is not coming back. Do not look to see her again." The tone of his voice sounded rigid and coarse as he focused his eyes forward into the forest the way you had disappeared.

This caused the little girl to fall utterly silent, her bottom lip began to quiver slightly as tears welled in her large eyes. "W-What?" She whispered in disbelief as her hands covered her mouth, "Why did she leave?" The little girl began to cry quietly to herself, her small little frame wracking from the tears. Sesshomaru did nothing to console her, he knew of no words to make her feel better but her allowed her to cry for a moment.

Without hesitation, Sesshomaru stood up and glanced down at the weeping little girl, "Enough of this. We will continue on our way." The demon commanded coldly as he glanced down at Rin then began to trail ahead without another word. "Jaken." He growled toward the sleeping imp that immediately jumped awake in worry. "We are leaving. Now." Then they set out again as they had everyday before.

Day by day, the ward of Lord Sesshomaru would travel throughout the lands, until months had gone by. Everyday was longer than the next without any real words spoken at all. Sesshomaru had stopped for the first time in months, allowing Rin and Jaken a rest for once and he went off to be alone. He stood by himself on a large grassy hill as his golden orbs scanned over the setting sun, his mind was full of many thoughts that all led back to you. Yet he would never admit them to himself fully, nor allow them to be said. Your name was not to be said even among the ward, he refused to acknowledge the idea that you had been traveling with them. To his conscious self, you were not real. Months had felt like years to the dog demon and your face haunted his thoughts. He refused to allow himself to feel anything, except bitterness. 'She left of her own merit. She is a fool.' His thoughts circled his brain furiously, wrath building within his heart as his fingers clenched tightly, knuckles turning white.

Without warning, he felt a tiny hand wrap around his balled fist, catching him off guard. However, Sesshomaru's eyes never wavered from the view of the sunset but he released his hand and allowed the little girl to slip hers into his gentle hold. It had been quiet for only a few moments when finally Rin spoke up, watching the sun alongside her master. "It's okay, Lord Sesshomaru." Her voice kind and soft, this made the dog demon a bit confused and uneasy at what she was speaking of, so he looked at her in an odd way trying to conceal all of his thoughts from her. She continued, her voice a bit shaky, "Ya know, to feel sad. I feel sad too..." Then Rin brought her gaze up to the tall male she stood beside, sending him a saddened smile. His eyes grew ever so slightly wide at her small comment.

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