Rei Ryugazaki x Reader x Midorima Shintarou

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Sooooo! Lol Rei Ryugazaki and Midorima Shintarou are my two favorite characters and I fantasize over them fighting over me haha so that's how this story came about! I do hope you'll enjoy!

Which One?

"Rei-chan!~" You sang happily as you ran over to him. He was just coming out of the showers after swim practice and only had a towel around his waist while he dried his deep blue hair with another. He hadn't even had a chance to put his glasses on when you attacked him in a hug.
"(Y-Y/N)-senpai!! P-Please! I'm not even clothed!" Rei cried out nervously trying to release himself from your grip.
You popped backwards with a giant smile on your face and giggled shyly, "Gomenasi Rei-chan..." Your face as red as his. "I just have great news!" You cheered excitedly, clasping your hand together.
Rei couldn't handle the beautiful smile on your face and he turned away, embarrassed. "W-Well...let me get dressed first please." He muttered on his way to the locker room to change.
After changing, Rei met you by the gates of the school to walk home with you as habit. You all had walked home together since the start of his freshman year and your first year living by yourself in Japan.
You and your family had visited quite often but you didn't want to leave, so your sophomore year of high school, you convinced your parents to let you move by yourself.
"So what was the fantastic news that you couldn't wait until I was fully dressed, to tell me?" Rei questioned pushing his glasses up his nose slightly.
"Oh! Yeah! Guess what Rei-chan!?" You asked cheerfully wrapping you arms around his right arm that was propped up a bit by his hand that was placed in his pocket.
Rei couldn't help but smile at your beautiful excitement.
You weren't aware but he had slowly fallen in love with you during all of the study sessions, morning jogs, and even seeing you sicker than a dog. Somewhere along the long road you all had traveled together, your (H/L) (H/C) hair, (E/C) eyes, and childishly beautiful personality had stolen his confused lonely heart.
Rei chuckled softly to himself as he gave you a side glance, his hand still resting on his glasses. "What (Y/N)-senpai?"
You jumped in front of him walking backwards so you were facing him as you walked, "I finally met up with one of my old friends again! It's been so long!" You said happily squealing just a little in excitement again.
"Oh, really? That seems exciting. I'm happy for you (Y/N)-senpai." Rei said sweetly and rested both hands into his pockets. He loved seeing you in such a good mood. It made him feel so comfortable and it made him just want to kiss you.
"Yea! I was so excited!" You said happily as you turned around and started skipping in front of Rei. "He was like my best friend when I would visit when I was younger!" You added contently not looking back once at him.
Rei froze instantly when you said 'he'. It was a MALE friend you had recent contact with...? "Wh-Wha...its a guy?" He asked in a false happy voice with a strained smile on his face.
You turned around again, oblivious to his strained expression, "Yeah! I was excited to see him again! I'm super excited because I think you and him will get along very well! He's tall, super sweet, super funny, he is into sports, well he plays basketball but still! Oh! He also wears glasses, just like you Rei-chan!" You described him as accurately as you could with a bright smile on your face.
Rei felt sick to his stomach but tried to hide it the best he could to not bum out your excitement. "O-Oh really?..." Was all that came out of his mouth. He felt if he said anything more, it wouldn't just be words coming out.
"He goes to Shuutoku High! You know, the school just a few miles from ours? I'm surprised we never ran into each other actually." You thought to yourself as Rei was freaking out on the inside.
"Wh-What's this guy's name...?" Rei asked and immediately regretted it. He didn't want anymore information on this guy. He wanted to just drop the whole conversation.
"Oh! I call him Shin-chan! He's so incredible at basketball! I LOVE watching him play! He's the absolute best! And he barely tries half the time!" You continued to talk about the mystery man and Rei was getting sicker by the moment.
He always dreamed of you talking about him that way...but he was never that good at anything but matter how hard he tried. Rei started to get very insecure and doubtful of himself when you turned around and grabbed his hands. "I want you to meet him Rei-chan! Ok?" You flashed him the sweetest smile you could and it made his heart and his insecurities melt away.
"I'm suppose to meet him tomorrow at a café between our schools. You'll come won't you?" Now working your puppy dog eyes at him with a slight pout.
Rei could resist and nodded reluctantly, "Yeah...I'll come. Id...uh...l-love to meet this, 'Shin-chan'." He lied smoothly as you all reached your house.
"Yay!! Alright! I'll see you tomorrow then Rei-chan! Stop by my house ok? We'll walk together from here!" You explained the plans eagerly then kissed his cheek, running up to your apartment unlocking the door, looking back at Rei waving, "Jā Matane Rei-chan!!" and entered the house.
Rei gave a wave then heaved a hopeless sigh to himself with a weak smile. "I'm hopelessly in love with that woman...there has got to be something wrong with me to have agreed to go with her tomorrow..." He sighed again and walked to his house close to yours.
The next morning you were up early and dressed in your favorite light washed skinny jeans and a nice tight fitting shirt that was (F/C). You slipped on your vans that matched your shirt and, after you fixed your hair and makeup, headed out the door.
"Ohayo (Y/N)-senpai." Rei greeted you with a beautiful warm smile as you met him at the bottom of the stairs.
"Ohayo Rei-chan! Are you ready! I'm so super excited for you to meet Shin-chan!" You cheered happily.
Rei smiled and nodded half heartedly, "As ready as I'll ever be..." He muttered under his breath as you all started walking.
"What?" Thinking you heard something you turned to Rei but he just rubbed the back of his neck nervously and chuckled.
"N-Nothing! I ju-just noticed you weren't wearing a jacket! It's suppose to be chilly, so please, take mine." He came up with something quickly and wrapped his swim team jacket over your shoulders.
You felt a slight blush creep across your face for some reason and smiled shyly, "O-Oh...arigato Rei-chan. I guess I was in a hurry earlier. Gomen." You said shyly, hiding your face from his beautiful purple eyes.
"So it's a long walk, correct?" Rei asked noticing your shyness and it made him smile.
"Oh! Yes! It is! Unfortunately we have to walk the whole way." You giggled sweetly, your blush fading away.
Rei shrugged slightly and pushed his glasses up in habit. "I don't mind. Especially not if I get to walk with you (Y/N)-senpai." He said softly smiling at you sweetly as he reached out and took one of your cold hands in his warm one.
You felt like you were going to explode from his forwardness.
'Why all of the sudden is he so forward?' You thought to yourself as you felt your cheeks burning like crazy again.
Rei had thought about it and thought about it the night before. If he met this 'Shin-chan' without any hesitation and was confident around you, maybe he wouldn't try to take Rei's place. Maybe if he was more forward with you, Rei wouldn't have to worry about you thinking about your old friend. He was going to try and be all sweet and loving towards you as much as he could without being weird today just to get this whole 'meeting' thing over with.
Rei was nervous as hell though trying to be so straight forward with you. He was scared you'd reject him and he was shaking until he felt your hand tighten its grip around his.
He glanced at you with his widened eyes then quickly looked back at the ground. A burning red blush spreading over his nose to his cheeks.
You were a bit taken aback by Rei's sudden actions, but you weren't denying him because you enjoyed being able to hold his hand. It for some reason made you feel closer to him, and you liked that feeling.
It was a peacefully silent walk you two had to the café without any awkward tension or strain. It was a quiet morning which made the mood just perfect for Rei to feel the urge to tell you how he felt.
That was until he felt you drop his hand and squeal "Shin-chan!!!" As you left his side and ran straight for the tall man with green hair standing beside a table.
"Seriously? Green hair?" Rei asked himself aloud as he rolled his eyes, "Could that be any more flamboyant." He added completely disregarding his own deep blue hair, he walked up and joined you.
"Oh Shin-chan, I've missed you so much!" You said happily as you snuggled into his chest hugging him tighter.
The green haired male had a blush across his face and he hugged you closer to him without a word.
"It's been so long! I still can't get over how tall you are!" You continued to fawn over your old friend leaving Rei completely awkward and silent.
The mysterious teen pushed his glasses up his face, just like Rei, and cleared his throat. "Well, that is that people do when you don't see them for years, nanodayo." He stated casually. His voice but very emotionless and he continued as he looked you up and down, a satisfied smiled crossed his face, "I mean look at you. You've sure grown into a fine woman, (Y/N)." His smooth voice chilled Rei as he noticed he didn't use a suffix for your name.
Something inside of Rei burned and he wanted to tear this guy apart. But he didn't know where it had come from or even what it was.
You blushed violently and giggled until Rei cleared his throat rather loudly, trying to get your attention.
"Oh! Shin-chan! This is Rei-chan!" You said as you grabbed Rei by the arm, pulling him forward.
Rei didn't stick his hand out, nor did he even shift for a bow. He just glared slightly at the green haired woman thief. "So you're the 'Shin-chan' I've heard so much about." Rei said rather casually. He pushed his glasses up his nose slightly then placed his hands in his pockets.
You smiled at their meeting because you thought they would get along so perfectly! They were so much alike except appearance wise. They were the same height expect Midorima was a bit broader than Rei, and Rei dressed a whole lot nicer than Midorima.
Rei was wearing a pastel yellow sweater vest with a purple tie and black button up, that was tucked in, to go underneath it along with a pair of black slacks and wingtips, which you knew were his favorite shoes since he had a pair in every color of the world, that matched his tie to go along with it.
'He always did have such a sexy way of dressing...' You thought to yourself.
While Midorima was wearing a nice white button up, that was untucked, and a loose black tie around is neck. He was also wearing a pair of black slacks but also wore black shoes.
You saw Midorima raise an eyebrow, "Excuse me, but I'm afraid I only allow (Y/N) to address me by such formalities, just as I'm sure you only allow her to call you by such a name." Midorima stated firmly making it obvious to Rei that he wasn't planning on being friends.
"Actually! Everyone calls him Rei-chan! Not just me." You giggled obliviously.
Midorima looked at Rei, falsely appalled. "Well I guess that nickname isn't very a special thing for you then is it?" He said shrugging, "In any matter...You, can call me Midorima. Midorima Shintarou." He added, along with Rei as to not bow nor shake hands.
"Rei Ryugazaki. And while every does call me that, I find it MOST special when (Y/N)-senpai does it, just because it's her." Rei retorted smartly crossing his arms over his chest.
Midorima scoffed, "I see you still feel the need to call her senpai. Seems a bit odd don't you agree? I mean, you did say she was special, nanodayo?" He said patronizingly crossing his arms like Rei.
"I do think she's special and I respect her that's why I continue to call her senpai. Because she is someone I admire and respect." Rei answered strongly without any hesitation.
"I see." Was all Midorima said and he rolled his beautiful green eyes.
You noticed the sudden tension and stood between the two, "So...I want a chocolate chip scone...who else?!" You laughed nervously.
Midorima nodded and took your hand leading you over to the table he had saved.
Rei growled angrily as he followed along behind you.
Pulling out a chair close to him, he gestured for you to sit and you smiled warmly. "Awe you're so sweet Shin-chan! Thank you!" You said patting his finger tapped hand gently. You sat down and scooted closer to the table.
Rei noticed a toy bear with a green ribbon wrapped around its neck sitting on the table and said to Midorima "It appears that someone has left their toy here. Why would you pick a table with a toy at it?"
Midorimas glared at Rei slightly and you answered for him, "Oh! Yeah! Shin-chan is into this cool thing called Oha Asa! He reads about his horoscope every morning to see what his lucky items for the day are and he carries them around!" You looked at Rei then finished with a warm smile to Midorima.
Midorima returned the smile but it was more of a smirk than a smile. "Yes exactly. You remembered." He said, placing his tapped hand over yours gently.
Nodding happily you said, "Of course! How could I forget! You use to freak if you didn't get up on time to hear it. And then you would lock yourself in your room because you were scared that Cancers would have bad luck that day." You giggled at the memory.
Rei was feeling completely out of place, but he wasn't going to let Midorima sense his awkwardness.
"So (Y/N)-senpai tells me you are a basketball player?" Rei questioned the green headed guy that was focused on you.
Midorima looked over at Rei and nodded skeptically, and said, "She has said you swim, nanodayo?"
Rei nodded as well to his question and before he could say anything else Midorima added, "Why? Couldn't play any real sport?"
Rei seethed with anger as he clenched his fists tightly, gritting his teeth.
"Shin-chan! That's rude! I love watching Rei-chan swim!" You corrected him by slapping his arm softly and Rei's anger left as soon as he heard you say those words. "I think it's completely beautiful and amazing to watch Rei-chan swim. He has the best butterfly stroke out there. He's perfect at it." You told Midorima matter-of-factly.
Rei's face was bright red and he rubbed the back of his neck, "You're too kind (Y/N)-senpai." He said softly smiling shyly at you.
You smiled warmly back at him and Midorima was shocked at how protective you were of him. "Really...well I still don't see why anyone would want to swim. It's an ugly sport." He said out loud to himself.
Rei growled lowly and glared at the man across the table.
A few days later Rei was walking out of the school to meet you by the gates so he could take you home, when he saw Midorima already standing there with you. You were laughing and smiling like no other.
Rei's insides were burning with fire as he walked up to you two and looked at you, "Are you ready to go (Y/N)-senpai?" He asked calmly paying no mind to the tall green headed teen.
"Rei-chan!~ I was actually thinking Shin-chan could take me home? Since I know you have practice and I really don't want you to miss it again just to walk me home." You explained kindly. You really didn't want to be any kind of burden to Rei and you thought this was the best way.
Rei froze when you said that and felt like his heart was going to explode. "N-No...(Y/N)-senpai! I-It's alright! Really! I can easily take you home and-" Rei was assuring you until Midorima spoke up calmly.
"Seriously, just let me take her. It's easier. We don't want you missing practice. I'll take perfect care of her, trust me Ryugazaki-san." He smirked and grabbed your hand leading you off.
"B-But really! I-I can-" Rei was trying the best he could to convince you not to go with Midorima but he just interrupted again with, "Trust me!"
Rei felt his heart sink as he saw the love of his life being lulled away by another man.
He saw you laughing and smiling again...and it killed him.
Midorima walked closer to you then after a few moments wrapped his arm around you pulling you close to his body. You instinctively snuggled closer. And THATS what killed Rei.
"B-But...I'm in love with you." He said to himself weakly as he watched you walk away.
As you made it to your house Midorima walked you up to the porch and waited for you to get in safely, before he would leave.
He always worried about you, even since you were little he worried about you. He guessed it was because he was older than you and found it to be his job.
You unlocked the door and hesitated for a moment, "Do you want to come inside Shin-chan?" You looked back at him and asked shyly.
He was taken aback by your request and he felt his cheeks burn slightly. "S-Sure." He answered as he followed you inside.
Midorima always had gotten nervous when it was you two alone, he felt drawn to you by some weird force and he always wanted to touch you, but he was to shy. The way you smiled made him shiver, the way you laughed made him melt, and whenever you'd walk away he couldn't help but watch you leave. He wasn't a dog, he was a very well behaved gentleman. But when it came to your body, his thoughts couldn't be controlled. That's what was so weird to him about you. He could be alone with tons of other women, them slinging their naked bodies at him constantly, and feel nothing. But the moment you walk even semi-close to him, he lost his mind.
He loved your kind personality. You were always thinking of other first, and never had a negative thing to say. He loved that sweetness about you.
"Would you like something to drink?" Your question popped him out of his thinking and his face only grew a shade deeper of red.
"N-No thank you. I do appreciate you asking, nanodayo." He answered waking into the living room and sitting down, laying his lucky item down on the table.
You joined him in the living room and giggled, "You still have that adorable habit, huh?"
"W-What are you talking about?" He questioned shyly at you calling him adorable.
You sat went over to open the curtains that had been closed before. "Just the whole nanodayo thing." You answered sweetly.
"Oh, yeah. I guess." Midorima said shrugging it off slightly as he fought his eyes from wandering over and admiring your curvy body that was shown off so nicely in your school uniform.
The beautiful navy skirt barely coming past your thighs, your white button up tucked in to show your waist perfectly. Midorima felt his heart pound against his ribs roughly.
He coughed to shake his thoughts away. "You're uniforms sure are quite different than the ones at Shutoku." He mentioned trying to cover up the reason for him staring.
"Yeah I noticed yours is very traditional based." You said as you left to remove your shoes then returned and added, "But I think it looks very nice on you Shin-chan." And you plopped right down next to him.
Again Midorima turned his head and blushed. He was in the same grade as you but was a year older and you were both 3rd years, though he acted like a 1st year when you were around.
"I think you look very sexy in yours." He muttered and his eyes widened in disbelief of his traitorous mouth. He covered his mouth quickly, not risking any look at you.
You were shocked but smiled warmly at his embarrassed form.
"(Y-Y/N)...Gomenasi...I have no idea where that came from...gomena-ahh!" Midorima was saying quietly, stumbling over his words still avoiding turning around to see your face, but gasped and was interrupted by a sudden sensation on his neck. It made him stiffen, then he quickly recognized it as your lips.
You had moved his green hair out of the way and kissed the back of his neck gently. You continued to kiss along his neck until you reached his ear, "Say it again." You whispered lowly in his ear.
You felt Midorima shiver and you bit you bottom lip in response. "Come on. Say it...again." You whispered again licking below his ear.
"H-Holy fuck. You're sexy. Every part of you is overwhelmingly a turn on. I can't stand it. The way you walk, the way you talk. It's all just so perfect." Midorima finally confessed, letting out his attraction towards you.
You giggled seductively, "Midorima..." You whispered then sucked on a part of his neck and he grunted slightly, tightening his grip on the couch. His heart pounded loudly at you saying his name.
"Midorima~" you sang softly into his ear again.
"Wh-What?" His voice somewhat of a whine.
You turned him around and straddled his lap, "Kiss me." You demanded as you gently placed his glasses on the table.
"Yes ma'am." Was all he said before he attacked your lips with his roughly.
Midorimas lips were so smooth. You enjoyed them almost too much as he ran them from you lips to your jaw then to your neck.
Laying you down on the couch, Midorima took control of your lips again running his tongue across them wanting inside.
You giggled but wouldn't allow it, until he pulled on your bottom lip with his teeth and you let out a soft moan. He then gained entrance and dominated over your mouth. His tapped hand held him over you while his free one ran up your leg, under your short navy skirt and rested on your hip, playing with the lace on your underwear.
Enjoying the interaction with him you opened your eyes and immediately froze when you saw Rei over you. You blinked multiple times and it went away. You shook your head and continued kissing Midorima. You chanced another look and again your eyes made Midorima into Rei.
What was this! Why was this happening. You wanted to be intimate with Midorima!...didn't you?
As you started to think about it, and seeing it a couple of times, you realized that Midorima wasn't the one you wanted. Though you had feelings for him, and yes you were certainly attracted to him, you felt the need to be with Rei. Your heart begged for him. And maybe that's why your eyes kept fooling you.
"Midorima..." You said softly as he kissed your neck.
He hummed, pleasurably in response as he continued to kiss every part of your neck.
"Midorima." You said firmer and he immediately looked at you.
His eyes looked worried as he gazed deep into your (e/c) ones. "What's wrong (Y/N)?" He asked kindly touching your cheek gently.
You smiled weakly and leaned against his large hand. Midorima instantly knew what you were thinking and lowered his gaze, "I see..." He said painfully as he sat up fixing his hair and grabbed his glasses.
Fixing yourself back up you followed him to the door, as he opened it he turned around and pulled you against his body tightly. "If that prick hurts you...let him know I'll hurt him." He whispered.
You giggled and as he let you go you kissed his lips one last time, "I do deeply care about you Midorima." You told him softly as he started to walk away.
"And I love you. Oyasumi (Y/N)." He answers and walked away.
You smiled sadly and waved softly. After returning inside your smile changed quickly into a happy warm one.
Picking up your phone, you quickly texted Rei to stop by as soon as he was done with practice.
Hours later, around 10 pm, you heard a knock at your door. You ran downstairs from your room and slung the door open quickly.
"U-Umm, hey (Y/N)-senpai. I received your text and-mmph!" Rei was saying until you leaped forward into him and pressed your lips firmly onto his.
It took Rei a second to realize what was happening and then he melted quickly into the sweet rhythm of the kiss.
You pulled away and smiled warmly, "(Y-Y/N)-senpai...what-" Rei was saying until you interrupted again and said, "I love you Rei. So so so much." You said and kissed his lips in between each 'so'.
Rei couldn't help but chuckle and hug you. "I love you too (Y/N)-sen-"
You press your finger to his lips and shook your head.
"Just (Y/N) no more honorifics. Ok?" You smiled sweetly.
"Of course, (Y/N)." Rei answered softly, returning your smile. Then he leaned back down and shared a beautiful deep kiss with you.

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