Arthur Kirkland (England) x Deaf!Wife!Reader

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Hiya guys~

I know! Two stories in one day? WHAT?

Well, I had both this one and the last one (Snake x Reader) stored in my notes for about a month so they both just needed to be edited and reviewed which took me forever because I really like to take my time to re-read them. I've been super busy with my recent 3D class and so it's been hell lol but I just started Spring Break for work (since I work in an Elementary school) and so I have at least enough time to revise this stories that have needed to be shared!

PS. I know that this picture above is almost clearly USUK haha but I really loved Arthur's expression in it and literally imagined his face looking exactly like this, so...yeah. Ignore the ship in this picture (or cherish it idc just don't let it distract you from the story LOL)

BTW- There is a part in the story where I wrote out 'learnt' instead of 'learned'. Let me clarify that I do know that is 'learned' lol but there is a specific part in the show and the manga where Arthur corrects Alfred on the 'proper Queen's English' and told him that the proper way to say it was 'learnt' haha so I really wanted to put that into this story since he was so particular about it in the manga. I thought it was cute~

I have another Arthur story coming up soon too! I love these last two that I've written for him because they're so cute-I think anyway.

I hope you all like it too! If you do, I would love for you to comment and let me know and vote! It really does mean a lot to me for you guys to because then I know that I'm not just writing for my own enjoyment but others as well haha



'Darling, are you ready to go?' Your husband signed to you with his handsome smile greeting you as you walked down the stairs and grabbing your purse from the coat rack that nearly took him a year to assemble. That thought always crossed your mind whenever you saw it and it made you giggle. Turning around you saw the pout that covered his sullen face, 'You don't honestly have to laugh every time you see the bloody thing, (y/n).' He signed indignantly as he looked away with a red tinting his porcelain cheeks.

Another laugh escaped your lips, a bit louder this time and you shrugged, 'I love it, Arthur. It always makes me happy when I think about it.' You replied silently with your hands then kissed his lips chastely as you smiled at him lovingly then walking out the door.

You had been married to Arthur Kirkland for about three or four years and you loved every minuet of it. Your friendship only grew after your marriage and the two of you became like one. This could be due to the fact that you were born deaf and Arthur was the only one who ever took interest in you and learned sign language just to get to know you. The others would just make insane gestures at you, expecting you to understand, like Alfred. It made you uncomfortable to say the least because you wanted to understand them but you just couldn't and you felt like an outsider, until you saw Arthur scold the American and smile apologetically at you. 'Forgive him, love, he's a hopeless moron.' He signed with a roll of his eyes but had smiled at you reassuringly again.

You remember your heart bursting in joy at the sight of someone being able to communicate with you. 'You can sign! I wasn't aware!' You replied eagerly with a bright smile.

A blush tinted the British man's cheeks and nose, 'Yeah, I learnt just recently...I have really been wanting to communicate with you.' Again your heart smiled so much it made tears touch your eyes. Since that day you two were always together, Arthur interpreting what everyone else said for you.

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