Arthur Kirkland (England) x Reader

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Okay! Now I know I write a lot about Arthur, but I just absolutely love his little heart so much haha he's so precious and he's so adorable!

But if you have any other characters you'd like to see in a Christmas one shot, let me know in the comments! I'd love to get other characters in here that I don't have very many stories of so far!



Shivering from the cold as he opened the front door, Arthur grumbled about the wintery weather outside. He hung up his green wool coat on the hanger then placed it in the closet, wrapping his brown scarf along the collar after shutting the door back and locking out the wind. "Bloody hell, it's as if Jack Frost decided to piss all over London tonight," the man complained as he untied his shoes and scooted them to the side, finally stepping onto the warm carpet with a sigh of relief. "Love, I'm home. It was the worst trip coming home, my God. I wonder how Alfred is doing in it bloody warm Texas right now- that arsehole."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart," you called from upstairs, Arthur couldn't place where but he heard you nonetheless. "How about something to make you feel a bit better, hmm?" Your voice sounded playful as he rested against the warm couch with an exhausted noise. Immediately the British man's interest was piqued when he caught onto the hint of cheekiness in your tone and he looked around the living room in thought of what you could mean.

"Sounds quite interesting," he called back with a chuckle, "what could you be planning, darling?" He glanced in the direction of the catwalk that was visible from the couch and waited to hear your response, but he wasn't greeted with anything for a few minutes which made his curiosity grow even more. Arthur placed his arms on the back of the couch, getting comfortable, one leg crossing over the other. He reached over and loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top button still pondering the ideas you could possibly have.

Soon his imagination was greeted with an answer as you stood at the top of the stairs with a playful smile. "Holy mother of God," the breath was drawn from his throat as his green eyes found their way over your figure. Clad in your new little Christmas outfit you'd prepared just to surprise your husband, you bit at your bottom lip careful not to mess up the red lipstick you applied only moments ago. His reaction had been exactly what you'd hope it would've been, giving you the confidence to continue in your efforts to tease him as you sauntered down the stairs slowly, hips swaying purposefully. Once at the bottom, you glanced in his direction for a moment- gathering the wide-eyed expression he wore- then turning the opposite way and walked over to the stereo and turning it on. Bending over just enough to give him a decent look of the back- or lack thereof- to which you heard a muffled noise in response.

You giggled to yourself at how well your little surprise was working, then turned to face Arthur. As "Santa Baby" played in the background, you waltzed over to the couch where he stiffly sat- watching every sing movement of yours. "I thought you might like an early Christmas gift, sweetie," you explained to him while you climbed onto the coffee table in front of him, sitting on your knees and batting your eyelashes at him. Arthur groaned as his eyes wandered your lacy red babydoll dress that seemed almost painted onto your frame, the white fuzz decorating the edges around your chest and thighs nearly killing him. "You've been working awfully hard this year, I thought you deserved a little reward for all your efforts," you crawled off of the table and found your way onto his lap- one leg on either side of his hips. "What do you say, handsome? Do you think you've earned a present?" You smirked at him, your hands wandering up his chest, one resting on his shoulder while the other twirled his loose tie around playfully.

Nodding enthusiastically, his knuckles white from their grip on the back of the couch, "yes, hell yes." His voice was quiet but quick and serious as it left his lips. Giggling at his immediate response, you leaned further into him and pressing your chest against his. "Oh God," he mumbled under his breath, his heart pounding, "if this is all that St. Nicholas brings to me this year, I don't believe I'd write him any complaints." Quivering at your advances, Arthur let out a leveled breath then smiled at you as his green eyes twinkled in delight. "Quite the wonderful gift, indeed," he whispered as you nuzzled into the crook of his neck, teasing him.

"Well then, if you think you've been good," you began as you slowly removed yourself from him and stood before him once again, "why don't you come unwrap your present?" As he sat forward, his hands found their way up past your stocking covered knees, traveling along your thigh and playing at one of the white gadders that set snug against your skin. He nearly whimpered when you swatted at his hand and began to walk away, groaning again at the sight of you.

When you reached the bottom step you looked over your shoulder and beckoned him to you with your finger and the smirk on your red lips. "You mustn't tell me more than once, darling," he chuckled as he walked around the coffee table, trailing a good distance after you enjoying the sight as he followed. Scooping you up once at the bedroom door- too impatient to wait any longer which caused you to laugh, Arthur slipped into the bedroom and pushed it shut with his foot.


Alfred burst into the meeting room, loud as ever as he greeted everyone. "How was everyone's Christmas, dudes," he asked while he made his way around the large table, setting himself in his chair. Once he had gotten answers out of most of the people present, he leaned over to the grumpy Englishman beside him, "how was your Christmas, Mr. Grinch?"

Arthur shrugged slightly then looked over at the American with a small smile, "I can't quite complain, actually. I was quite pleased with my present I received." His response made everyone go silent and he glanced around at everyone with a furrowed brow, confusion etching his features. "What?"

Alfred backed away slightly, retreating to his chair then glanced in the direction of Francis who finally understood why Arthur wasn't so much of grump this year and he raised a knowing brow. "Ohoo~" he began then winked at the Englishman, "(y/n) was your present wasn't she, mon amie."

Alfred's eyes widened as he leaned in closer now, Arthur groaning at his closeness and pushing him away. "Perhaps, though that's not really any of your concern now is it, you bloody frog," he replied quite evenly then went back to his tea.

"He did get laid," Alfred shouted in surprise as he looked around at everyone else at the table, Arthur groaning in annoyance at his blonde friend beside him.

Francis clapped and nodded with an impressed look on his face as Arthur turned a dark shade of red from his cheeks to the tips of his ears. "Honestly, you're both so childish.." the British man mumbled under his breath, hiding his face with his hands as he placed his head in them.

"Well, Merry Christmas to us all, he won't be so grumpy for once at a meeting!" Alfred clapped his friend on the back with a beaming smile toward everyone else, Yao and Ivan chuckling while Kiku blushed at the mention of his British friend's personal life. Francis continued his clapping while Ludwig rolled his eyes and Feliciano laughed at Arthur's expense.

"I hate you all," Arthur whined to himself, retreating further into his hands from embarrassment.

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