Francis Bonnefoy (France) x Wife!Reader

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I actually had heard a story about how a man was having an affair behind his wife at the very beginning of their marriage and he never told her. She had remained completely unaware for 10 years of their marriage, not a clue that her husband was literally having a whole other relationship with this side woman for like two years of their marriage. I cannot even imagine the utter loss of trust. But she responded so gently. She left, but she was gentle and I really liked the idea of that display. So I wanted to make a story with it!

For some reason I wrote about Francis, which usually I don't like because I really respect Francis as a character and truthfully don't think that he is a cheat, just a flirt. However, I hadn't wrote a Francis fic before and it just came to me to write it with Francis.

So, if you're like me, and hate when people portray Francis as a sleazy cheat, I promise that isn't what I mean to do haha I love him more than anything.




Such guilt.

It was almost becoming unbearable.

For so long he had ignored it.

Forgotten it.

A distant memory.

Old flame, desperate feelings.




"Hi sweetie~" You smiled warmly from the doorway as you peeked your head through the crack left by the ajar door.
Francis' heart pounded painfully-he loved you.
Waltzing in after having asked if he was busy, your ever present gentleness possessing your features, you stood beside his chair and leaned against his desk to look at him. "So, what does my handsome husband want for dinner tonight, hmm? There are so many options that I, well, I just couldn't choose." You giggled playfully then shrugged. "I thought I'd ask you and see what you had preferred."

Francis had been working brutally the past couple of months, piling himself down with work. In a way he loathed it, but it also kept him from truly facing the guilt that had been building up considerably within the recent times. This made you feel terrible that his boss had loaded him with such work, completely oblivious to his lurking shame. You wanted to make him feel loved and cherished and at ease whenever you were around, like you would take care of everything else while he worked hard. You wanted to be the perfect wife for him, to make it less stressful.

But little did you know, your kindness was weighing even more burdens on him. "I-I don't know, mon amour." The Frenchman stuttered nervously but covered it was his strained smile. "Food has not truly crossed my mind with all of this work I have." He muttered anxiously then turned away from you gentle (e/c) gaze.

Feeling almost rejected-or as a nuisance- you nodded dejectedly, "O-Oh...okay. I'm sorry sweetheart, I didn't really mean to bother you. I suppose I'll just find something small then, hmm? I won't bother you anymore tonight." A whisper was all that your tone was reduced to. He had been so cold and distant recently and you knew his smiles weren't genuine- not like they had use to be. They were forced, strained...fake.

Stopping short at the the door of his office as your hand reached the knob, you turned around and looked over your shoulder, managing the most earnest smile you could. "I love you with every little last piece of me Francis Bonnefoy~" You spouted cheerfully, truthfully, eyes sparkling with joy and adoration for the blonde man sitting across the room from you.

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