Kisumi Shingo x Reader x Kise Ryouta

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So I absolutely love crossover stories and I have SO many ideas for more!

If any of you have an idea for a crossover that you think would be cool PLEASE let me know! haha because I would love more ideas!

BTW I'm also shocked hat I found a picture of these two guys whoever created this, bless you-just-bless you.



"Hey, Kisumi?" You asked curiously as you glanced over at your pink haired friend. The two of you were relaxing outside, under a pavilion and enjoying the nice weather when you had remembered a certain incident that occurred days earlier.

Kisumi perked up slightly, one eye popping open to look at you as the hammock you laid in rocked back and forth soothingly. "What is it, (y/n)-chan?" Your friend answered casually from the opposite side, his legs shifting for comfort beside you.

A sigh escaped your lips as you laid your head back and closed your eyes again, reclaiming your own comfort from earlier. "I ran into an old friend the other day." You began hesitantly, and heard an approving sound from the guy beside you, "And he use to be one of my best friends growing up, but I hadn't seen him in years, ya know, before just a couple of days ago. He wants to meet up again to hang out." Immediately Kisumi grew weary of this 'friend'. The idea made him nervous. Another guy friend? Would he lose you to this guy friend?

He didn't want that! He loved having you around! You were everything to Kisumi! You came first. Always. No hesitation about it. So the idea that he might not be able to be that close to you anymore, scared him.

Suddenly the hammock shifted drastically and Kisumi was sitting up stiffly, "Well then, let's hang out with him tomorrow, huh?" He announced feigning excitement, "I'd love to meet the guy who was (y/n)-chan's first best guy friend before I was of course. So, we'll meet him tomorrow, yes?" The pink haired male stood up, causing the hammock to twist upside down and throwing you out. However, before you hit the ground, quick arms grabbed you up into safety. Smiling down at you, Kisumi chuckled his normal happy laugh, "You'll have let me know all about this guy tomorrow morning before I meet him! Can't show up ill-prepared!" With that said, Kisumi helped you stand and winked at you. "I'll stop by your house tomorrow and we'll walk to wherever you two are supposed to meet up! Later gator!"

Waving bye back to your friend, confusion rolled through you in waves, "What just happened? How did Kisumi just end up going to hang out with Kise and me?" You thought aloud then turned on your heels to head home.


The next day you were ready bright and early, brushing your teeth before you left until you heard Kisumi's voice in your living room. "Oi, (y/n)-chan, I've run out of cologne...I know you have some spare here for me, so I'm coming into the bathroom!" You rolled your eyes with a smile as you shook your head.

'He's so helpless.' Giggling when he poked his head into the bathroom, you laughed even more at his curious expression. "Well, I don't understand what's so funny." He stated indignantly, walking behind you in the small, cramped bathroom to reach over the toilet and get his cologne.

After you spit and rinsed your mouth, you stood straight again to look at your pink haired friend. As you were now you got a real look at how nicely dressed he had been. 'Wow...he sure looks great today.' Not that he didn't everyday, that was Kisumi's thing; dressing flashy and extravagant. His cotton candy hair tousled perfectly in its usual bed-head way, the loose purple button up only accentuated by the dark gray sweater he wore over it. Khaki pants hung around his waist, held up by a brown belt that only showed the buckle- since his shirt was characteristically untucked.

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