Rei Ryugazaki x Reader

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Don't look at me like that...I know. I promised I'd finish the Sesshōmaru fanfic asap and then I didn't. I KNOW. I got sick over the last week and tried to finish it, but it wasn't getting finished. However, I am almost done with it and am still going to publish it. So it's not forgotten. Not by any means.
But, with that said, I've had so many beautiful ideas blooming over this week that I've had to let them out haha so while you're waiting for the Sesshōmaru fic to be finished, here's a cute little Rei fic I thought of whole driving. He's a little ooc but I just really liked the idea of it. Plus! It's set in a bar so obviously he has to be years older than he really is haha He's like 24 or 25 so maybe he isn't as clumsy and more smooth? Who knows! lol

This fanfiction was based off and inspired by this song that I heard on my way home for the first time the other night.


There she is again.

So quiet and alone.

Solitary and confined.

Something is wrong, something about her expression seems contrasting to the other times he's seen her here. She was watching her drink so sullenly, focusing on the ice sinking against the liquor. He'd seen that similar shallow expression on many other women that wandered themselves into this bar before, yet on this one tonight it seemed deeper. She's been here before with some friends and she had drawn his attention before with her smile, while beautiful one could tell upon closer inspection it was forced.

Smoke danced in and out of the neon lights illuminating the atmosphere and as he sits there tapping the side of his own cold, sweating glass, purple eyes continue to stray toward the woman who almost obviously tried a little to hard on her looks hours before arriving just to sit alone. The red dress painted onto her body complimenting everything about her, apart from the solemn expression. Red wasn't charming with blue, not to him anyhow.

The varying glances sent around the room as people were passing, coming up for their own drinks, and ordering begged for relief as she was so desperately hoping for salvation in a not so, surprise visitor. One she was probably well aware would actually never come for her. This was all a guessing game to him, but he had seen it happen so many times that by this time he knew when they wanted to get their significant others to be more caring than they clearly were.

Something about her was drawing his eyes to linger in her direction. The side of the bar table, being the side he had set claim to a couple of years ago and in this spot she was sitting in his direct like of sight at the front with body language that was turning more heartbroken by each passing stranger. Walking over casually to the front, far away from his original spot over in the dark, the man was at any loss for words but relented to his previous thoughts as she was now before him. "Baby, blue just isn't your color."

"I'm sorry?" Looking up at the standing man beside her. He was smiling so softly, no sign of ulterior motives in him as she was watching for anything making her uncomfortable by his sudden forwardness. The man began to take the seat beside her then didn't waste another moment to reattach their eye contact, a quiet chuckle complimenting his accompanying smile.

Glancing to the side at the bartender who wasn't far off, his eyes found hers not shortly afterwards. "I've just been admiring you from afar tonight, and I noticed. I think blue looks good on the sky, it looks good on that neon buzzing on the wall," his glance was thrown over his shoulder, sideways at the sign hanging over the bar then back to her, "but darling, it doesn't match your eyes." A blush was creeping over the soft skin of her cheeks as his gentle and kind words began to reach her ears. The mans' smile made butterflies form in her stomach while watching him closely, his purple eyes searching hers then he ran his hands through his dark blue hair, then adjusting his dark red glasses. "I can tell that it's not my place, but I'm going to say it anyway, mostly because you look like you haven't felt the fire, had a little fun, nor hadn't had a little smile in quite a little while." His words hung her heart by the strings, her heart pounding.

His fingers were tapping against his now empty glass as another chuckle began to fall from his lips. He was being foolish and he was well aware of it, but in this moment he didn't care. "Forgive me, darling. I'm not trying to come off as just another pick you up kind of guys. Or drink you up or trying to take you home...but I," sincerity had weaved its way into his voice, making his gentle tone almost like silk to her ears, "just don't understand how another man can take your sun and turn it ice cold." Smiling to himself as he finally let everything his heart was telling him out, he began to stand preparing to leave her side. "Chances are, you're sitting here in this bar because you know he isn't going to treat you right. And I'm just telling you, you don't need that guy. It's so black and white, he's stealing your thunder." Then as he followed his old footsteps back to his original seat, she could hear him call to her over his shoulder, "Blue just isn't your color."


There he sat, after finally speaking his heart to this woman he had never met before, heart a pounding mess  and cheeks burning from more than just the alcohol. He had actually said something to her. She's probably thinking how crazy he is for approaching her out of nowhere and speaking out of turn. He couldn't blame her either if she does, he thought himself crazy for even thinking it. But as he was in the midst of his self-loathing, a napkin was being placed beside his empty glass, causing him to look up. No one was around until he glanced back and there she was, walking toward and out the door with a new found bounce in her step as well as a bright smile.

The napkin read:

You're right. He doesn't care. Thank you for telling me in such a great way. You're sweet. <3 I'll be back, but until then ~> (phone number).

Thanks again for being so great.

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