Rei Ryugazaki x Reader

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And yet another one of the really older than dirt stories that I made years and years ago but really thought it needed to be apart of this collection instead of by itself.


It probably has like a bajillion mistakes in it haha but let it be known that it is forever old and I have not gone back through it and fixed it or proof read. Another story that I made on my phone.

Even through the mistakes and terrible writing...I still hope you Enjoy~


Rei was in a very great mood today because, as he looked at his calendar he remembered that it was his 1 year anniversary with his perfect and beautiful girlfriend. He couldn't have been anymore ecstatic and joyful if he tried. She made him the happiest man in the world.
"Oh, I cannot wait to see her beautiful face today! So I can look into those beautiful (E/C) eyes and let her now just how much I adore her. Then give her, this!" Rei said confidently to himself as he pulled a key off of his desk, and stared at it proudly.
That's right. He was going to give her a key to his house. It wasn't like he had anyone else in the home to was just him in the huge house anyway.
He made sure he looked great before he left for the date that had been planned for the certain Saturday.
He put on a a mid blue button up shirt, along with a bright yellow tie. Then he pulled on a pastel pink sweater vest that he remembered you saying was your absolute favorite on him. He stood, pant-less, looking at his closet for quite some time until he finally decided on a pair of pants the same color as his tie.
He made sure his hair was perfect and cleaned his glasses more than once.
"I must look absolutely perfect." Rei had repeated to himself over and over without fail.
After he slipped on his blue wingtips, he grabbed the spare house key, that he had slipped around a nice chained necklace, and positioned it perfectly in a rectangular present box.
"Oh how I hope she likes this..." He whispered to himself quietly then headed out the door.
Rei finally arrived at the coffee shop that you all had planned to meet at.
You had already been there for and small amount of time before him.
"She looks so beautiful..." He said to himself breathless.
You were wearing a black high waisted pencil skirt, and a beautiful (F/C) silk blouse.
Rei could feel his heart pounding as he looked at you. His heart rate quickened as he had gotten closer.
"Hey (Y-Y/N)-senpai. He greeted nervously pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, hiding his burning red cheeks.
Even after a year of dating and years of friendship, you had still somehow managed to leave him breathless and nervous. You still always made his heart pound roughly and his cheeks burn like crazy.
He loved you so much he almost couldn't stand it.
"Oh! Rei!" You smiled weakly at him.
He found that odd and asked you, "(Y/N)-senpai, are you alright?" Rei looked significantly worried.
You nodded in response and changed your smile to a lovingly warm smile. "Yes of course sweetie! Why wouldn't I be! It's my one year anniversary with my handsome and perfect boyfriend, whom I adore more than anything in this world." You answered walking over to him and wrapped him in your arms tightly. "And another thing..." You said as you were hugging him, "Tonight...could you...not call me senpai?"
Because you had been older than him, Rei always seemed to have a habit of applying the honorific to you name...even after you started dating. It would disappear whenever you two would get intimate, which because of Rei's awkward demeanor and shyness ( which you loved ), never happened very often. He would always get to nervous about hurting you and stop. Which was, in it's own way, endearing and kind in your opinion.
Rei shifted under your tight embrace slightly and wrapped his arms around your waist. "I-If that is what you'd like, m-my l-love...I can do whatever you want." He confirmed even going further than dropping the honorific.
You pulled back and smiled at him, "Thank you Rei. Alright, let's go!" You cheered grabbing his hand and leading him along into the lovely day.
Rei and you had planned to stay out together all day, until the sun had started to set. And that's what happened.
You all had gone everywhere. The park, a beautiful restaurant, the fair, everywhere.
The night had fallen upon you and you had grown silent as the night was ending. Though you tried your best not to show it, so as to not worry Rei. You had thought you were doing a nice job of keeping it hidden, until you heard him clear his throat as you all walked toward your house.
"(Y/N)..." You had felt your heart jump as he said your name so seriously, yet you avoided any chance to look at him. "Now would you mind to tell me what's bothering you?" He asked casually.
You shrugged and sent him a warm smile, "Sweetheart, there's nothing wr-"
"Don't give me that." Rei interrupted your denial with a harsh tone.
Your smile faded when you all stopped and he looked at you. "Why won't you tell me what's bothering you? Do you not trust me? You're my girlfriend, the love of my life, the woman I want to marry. That's what I'm here for. I'm suppose to the one you can depend on! And if you can't depend on me...well then what kind of boyfriend am I..?" Rei explained, pain lacing his strong voice. His violet eyes gazing into your (E/C) ones.
You couldn't break the gaze and you sighed heavily. "Rei...I-I...I'm moving back to ( home country not Japan ) tomorrow." You told him, your heart breaking as you could see the change in his expression. "I didn't want to tell you before our date because I didn't want to ruin my last night with you...ya know? And-whoa!" You had been explaining until you were interrupted by Rei pulling you by the hand in the opposite direction of your house.
"Wh-Where are we going Rei?" You asked hesitantly. There was no answer and he didn't even look back at you.
Finally after a few moments of silence and being pulled by the wrist you had been placed in front of a giant beautiful home.
"Rei...what is this place?" You asked in shock of how beautiful it was.
Rei was hiding his face behind his beautiful blue hair.
"I wanted to show you were I lived...I want you to come inside for a little while." He answered quietly as he pulled you inside the giant doors and locked them.
"T-This is where you live, sweetheart!" You said in awe of the beautiful inside.
The lights were off and it just added to the beauty of the giant house when the moonlight poured in through the giant windows.
"Your parents must work constantly!" You joked sweetly as you took your heels off laying them next to the door.
Rei hadn't moved from leaning against the locker front doors as you enjoyed bouncing around the giant foyer. His face still hidden behind his glasses and hair.
After a moment of his silence he said, "They use to..." You could hear his voice crack, and it stopped you dead in your tracks.
"Rei?" You questioned softly as you slowly started to walk towards him.
"They use to work for days upon days. Most days I wouldn't even see them. I honestly didn't even acknowledge that I had parents half the time. So when they didn't show up for a few days I didn't even consider them to be dead." He explained the emptiness of the house emotionlessly, still gazing down.
You felt your heart shatter. And he continued.
"Yeah. My parents died when I was 10. In a car crash. I wasn't even aware for 3 or 4 days. I means it's not like it's matters..." He said finally looking at you. His violet purple eyes filled with tears and an emotionless gaze.
"R-Rei...?" You question again as he pushed himself off the door and started to walk over to you.
"I didn't even know them. It was like they were strangers to me. When the police officer asked me to identify the bodies...I couldn't. Because I didn't know what my own parents looked like. They didn't even need me, and nor did I need them." He said heartlessly as he pressed closer to you.
"Oh...sweetie.." You said sadly as he back you against the wall and you gently touched his arm.
"No. No. Please. Don't 'sweetheart' me. It's not a big deal. Like I said. It's not like it took me years to actually grow the nerve up to actually feel again. Not like it actually was physically difficult for me to open myself up for the first time to anyone in my life when I met you. It's not like my heart was a cold broken place before you breathed life into me and began the beating again. And it's not like when you leave tomorrow that I'm going to lose the only person in the world that I've actually felt something towards since I was six!" Rei said painfully and pressed his body against yours.
Even though you could tell Rei was angry and hurt, you weren't scared. You trusted this man that was in front of you and you knew he wouldn't hurt you.
"Baby..." You whispered tears in your eyes as you could, for the first time, see Rei opening up to you. And it was killing you because you knew leaving tomorrow would hurt him more.
Rei took a deep ragged breath close to your ear and you shivered violently. "You're not leaving. Not tonight. Tonight..." He whispered lowly and lowered his warm lips to you neck, kissing it gently. You felt your heart pound against your chest and you started shivering, "Tonight you're going to stay with me and I'm going to treat you like a man should treat his woman." He told you gruffly and ran his tongue across your jaw.
You gasped loudly, "R-Rei..." You moaned, surprised by his sudden boldness.
"That's what I want to hear all night." Rei growled kissing you passionately. He picked you up and carried you to the giant couch in the living room and sat himself down so you were straddling him.
You knew his heart was hurting but if this was the way he wanted to deal with it, you weren't complaining. You hadn't been this intimate with Rei in a long time and you were enjoying his forwardness.
Licking your bottom lip, he growled when you didn't grant him entrance immediately. Instead you bit his bottom lip roughy and shoved your tongue into his mouth but he fought back and won his own into yours.
He moved his lips from yours to your neck again as he unbuttoned your shirt easily. Rei smiled when he heard your gasp again when he nibbled on the sweet spot of your neck. Quickly, he threw you off of his lap and onto the couch, crawling over you. He went straight back to working his beautiful lips down your neck and ran his tongue across your collar bone.
You were a mess of moans and gasps, quickly losing yourself in Rei's affection until you felt him start to shake and he stopped. Confused you looked at him but couldn't see anything because his head was still hovering over your collar bone. You felt a couple a droplets of water on your chest. "Rei." You whispered as realization came to your mind.
He collapsed on top of you, clinging tightly to your body. You could hear him clearly sobbing into your shoulder now. "Please don't leave me (Y/N)...I'm begging you. Please." Rei begged through fits of tears, gripping you tighter. "I need you (Y/N). You don't understand how I need you! You're the only one I have!" He sobbed weakly.
You could feel your heart shaking. Holding him closer you comforted him warmly, "It's okay Rei...sweetheart. Please. Calm down." You kissed his temple a couple of times and ran your hand through his thick blue hair. Making him look at you, you removed his glasses and wiped his tear stained face. Although they were still falling like an open faucet. He opened his eyes slowly to look into yours. They were so sad and they begged you to stay. They held so much pain that you felt tears well in your own eyes as well.
"Rei Ryugazaki, I love you more than anything in this world. Nothing could replace you. Not even if I'm needed at home." You said warmly kissing his lips gently, "You needing me is more important than anything else. If you need me to stay, I'll stay." You whispered as you pressed your forehead against his.
Poor Rei he looked so tired. He looked like all of those lonely years of pain had come back at once to haunt him.
"Come on, sweetheart. You need rest, let's go upstairs. You can show me your room." You said sweetly a kind gentle smile on your face as you sat up taking his hand and led him upstairs following his directions down the long hallway.
Finding his room, you helped him undress. You pulled his sweater vest over his head, folding it like he would and laid it on his desk next to the door. He was so sleepy that it was adorable. Rei's eyes were half open as he helped you undress himself. He loosened his tie and you took it from him, pulling him down to your level, gently, to kiss him.
Rei's lips moved against yours tiredly and it made you smile. You pulled away and lifted the tie over his head as well, laying it next to his sweater vest.
There were no words spoken between the two of you, just beautiful silence as you unzipped his jeans and untucked his button up, unbuttoning it.
You felt so close to Rei for some reason tonight. Your heart swelled with love when you smiled up at his sleepy face. Being with him like this made something come into realization, this was how you always wanted to spend your life. Everyday. Not missing one day of this man. You heard him say he needed you, but you realized that you needed him even more than he needed you.
As you slid his blue button up off his shoulders, you let it fall to the floor and wrapped your arms around his neck burying your face into the crook of it.
You stayed there for quite a while with his arms around you, then you said, "I need you more Rei...I'll always need you more than you need me. That's just how you've made me. I need you for everything."
Rei held you tighter against his warm body. "Please don't leave then, (Y/N)." He begged again kissing your shoulder lightly.
You didn't even hesitate before you nodded without a word.
You both reluctantly pulled away from each other and Rei walked over to his bed throwing his jeans off, climbing in the King sized bed.
"(Y/N)...." Rei whispered quietly and you hummed in an answer as you had already undressed yourself and was settling in next to him, snuggling closer.
"I love you." You froze and looked up at him slowly. Though you never doubted that Rei had deeply cared about you, he never was good at opening up and saying those exact words.
You felt tears form in your eyes, "I-I adore you Rei Ryugazaki. More than anything." You answered and snuggled even closer to his into his chest.
Never in all your life had you felt so close to someone before. Neither had Rei. You smiled feeling amazing knowing how close you all were and knew it was only the beginning of the rest of your life together.

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