Cold Hearted ( Midorima Shintarou x Reader )

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What's up! Just FYI! I don't own any of these characters! I just absolutely love them haha I hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading!

"Shin-chan!~ Sweetie!~" You called from the school gates waving excitedly as your green haired boyfriend made his way out the school doors.
Midorima turned his head, avoiding your wave, shoving one hand into his pocket as the other, tapped one, held tightly to his lucky item.
"There is no need to be so loud, nanodayo. It's annoying." He growled lowly gazing at the ground.
You giggled lightly and hugged him as he approached you. "I missed you today! You're studying sure is getting in the way of us having lunch together!" You pulled away and pouted sadly shinning your big (e/c) eyes at him.
Midorima's face instantly heated up from your gaze, he turned his head again to avoid you from being able to see his embarrassment. He shifted his glasses on his face with his free hand, and cleared his throat, "Being together all the time isn't even that good for a growing couple. Being clingy is indecent. Plus my studies are very important." Midorima explained coldly as he began to walk without you.
You sighed heavily, "Geez you're such a tsundere sometimes." You said under your breath, catching up to your cold boyfriend. "Even more important than me, sweetie?" Grabbing his free hand with both of yours, you smiled up at him warmly.
There was no hesitation on his part when he nodded, "Yes."
You felt a pang of hurt flash through your heart. "O-Oh..." Was all you said as your dropped his hand putting some distance between the two of you.
You had known him for a long time and had been dating for about a month or two, he tended to get his normal coldness every now and then. But you weren't expecting such a forwardly mean answer. It kinda hurt.
Midorima risked a side glance at you and saw your head lowered slightly. He felt bad because he didn't know how to interact with you very well on romantic terms. He wasn't very good at it, no matter how many times he asked Takao for help or looked it up on the internet. He wanted to be all lovey dovey towards you, because that's how his heart felt. But his body physically refused to allow him to do anything his heart wanted. He couldn't even say sweet words without having a hard time, and he enjoyed being able to be smooth and relaxed in front of you. It's not like he hadn't tried, over and over again, practicing saying the things he felt for you to himself hoping they would come out easier. But as soon as he thought they were down he'd lose them the moment he saw you.
'How can she be so open with me...' He thought to himself, jealous of how openly loving you were to him. No matter who was around you always called him cute little names like, 'sweetie' or 'sweetheart' or even 'my love' every so often. You reached for his hand constantly, wanting to hold it wherever you went. You were always just so thoughtful as well. You always brought him cookies just off the whim, you waited for him at the beginning and end of school. You were always just so considerate and kind.
While he couldn't even bring himself to reach for your hand or initiate a kiss.
Midorima had just gotten so shy, so easily. He couldn't help it. It wasn't that he didn't love you, the exact opposite in fact. He loved you too much. He couldn't even look at you recently without a evident blush creeping across his face. You had some weird affect on him that he couldn't shake. He just wanted to be the cool, smooth, interesting guy he was when you all were friends.
After a completely silent walk to your house, you smiled weakly at your emotionless boyfriend and went to hug him but stopped yourself and pulled away from him. "I-I guess I'll see you tomorrow? Bye swee-I uhhh...I mean Shin-chan."
Midorima hadn't said a word and just nodded, then left you to go inside.
You sighed heavily and decided to lay in your bed instead of participate in life. Your boyfriend could barely look at you anymore and it had only been a few months...not even a full half a year yet.
Closing your eyes as you snuggled deeper into your sheets, you fell to sleep instantly.
Hours later you woke up to the vibration of your phone under your pillow. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. Looking at the clock you scoffed, "Who is texting me so late? It's 2 am."
Unlocking your phone you waited for eyes to adjust to the light.
"Midorima?" You questioned seeing his name pop up on your phone. He had called you multiple times and texted you several more times with calm messages at first, but as you continued to read they began to show panic.
'Look I know I'm a cold hearted piece of shit, nanodayo.' One message read.
'I'm sorry I am. Really.' The next one said.
'I wish I could change...' And they just kept getting more panicked and sad.
'And look if that's what you want. I'll change! I'll do anything to keep you from leaving!' The message begged.
'I'll even stop saying nanodayo!" Another message informed.
You looked at the time the message was sent, "5:45 pm!" You yelped then continued the messages.
'Please...answer your phone...' The next message said.
'Ok...I understand. I've pushed you away for to long and you've had enough. I don't blame you. I'm awful, nanodayo. It's true. While I know you aren't reading these, I just...I know it's sort of late for this...but I just wanted to uh...well just listen to your voice mail if you want. It more explanatory.'
You couldn't believe what he was writing. "Is this actually Midorima?" You asked yourself aloud.
You went straight to your missed calls and saw 3 voice mails.
"My goodness I really was dead to the world." You huffed as you put the phone to your ear.
"Hey...I assume that you're angry with me, nanodayo." He started off very calm and Midorima like. "Which I...I understand completely. If I were you...I would've left myself a long time ago." You heard his voice shake a couple of times. "A-As I'm sure you can already see, I'm a very cold heart person and the honest truth is that I do not deserve to even be graced with your presence, nanodayo." Midorima started to break down a bit. And his voice went softer. "I'm a stubborn, rude, mean, harsh, evil, unthoughtful man. I never hold your hand enough...I never kiss you enough...I never tell you how I-" the voice cut off and you looked at your phone confused.
'End Of Message' it said on the screen, so you continued to the next one, tears welling in your eyes.
"Shit phone...." You heard him curse under his breath. "Anyway, I never tell you enough how I feel about you, or how happy you make me when you do all of those cute, considerate, sweet things that you do for me constantly. I-I just get all nervous and embarrassed inside when you do those things. And instead of saying something sweet, I respond with sarcastic jack ass remarks. I'm awful. And I'm a complete piece of shi-"
'End Of Message'
Next message:
"DAMMIT phone!" You laughed at his anger and could imagine his adorable angry face. "Listen, Im just saying that I'm a complete waste of your time. And I know it...." You heard a long pause and then in the background you heard a shaky exhale, "So...I understand why you aren't answering me...I-I know it's to late to say this, and I know it's impossible for me to get you back, but....(Y/N)..." Your heart jumped at him saying your first name so seriously and then you heard another shaky breath as his voice was a crying mess when it said, "I love you. I'm so madly in love with you it's almost illogical." You're tears were falling from your eyes like a waterfall. "I know there's no way you'll forgive me..." He cried, "But I just thought you should know h-how I felt after everything I've done to you."
'End Of Message'
Then your phone vibrated again, it was another text. But a new one.
'I adore you. Now that I've said it...I can't stop.' It said and your smiled through falling tears. You got up and ran down the stairs and out the door.
Your phone vibrated yet again,
'How stupid am I? Why couldn't I have done that when you were with me....?'
You giggled at his obliviousness. He had no idea what he was saying.
After the long run to his house you knocked on his apartment door, waiting for an answer.
Footsteps reached the door and he opened it slowly, revealing a tear stained face and green pajama wearing mess of a teen.
You giggled at his utterly shocked face and immediately jumped into his arms.
"(Y-Y/N)..." He said in shock.
"You know if falling asleep will get you to act like this all the time, I might just sleep for the rest of my life." You joked snuggling you face into his neck.
He didn't move, "Wh-What are you talking about?" He asked confused.
Looking at him you gave you a warm smile, "Sweetheart...I wasn't ignoring you. I'm had fallen asleep and left my phone on vibrate." You explained softly, wiping a few tears away and fixing his beautiful green hair.
"B-But I thought-" Midorima stuttered.
"I adore you too much for your shyness and tsundere actions to drive me away. I didn't doubt that you had feelings for me...I just didn't know you cared that much." You giggled referring to the heart crippling messages.
Midorima's face instantly grew red and he looked away, "W-Well of course I do..." He said pridefully then exhaled and looked at you, "You mean everything to could I not be madly in love with you." He confessed sweetly his beautiful green eyes gazing at you.
You weren't use to him being so sweet and you felt your cheeks get hot. "I-I love you too Midorima." You said warmly as your smile returned.
"I'm going to change. Alright? I promise. I'm going to try and be more loving towards you." Midorima promised as he pulled you closer to his body, "Starting with this." Then he leaned down and pressed his lips firmly onto yours in a meaningful kiss.
You all pulled away and you giggled, "You're so sweet Shin-chan!" You cheered sweetly smiling up at him.
Midorima's face reddened and he looked away pulling you even closer to him, "St-Stop..." He whispered shyly.

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