Chapter 61

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I didn't notice the votes. OH MY GOD!.

I'm getting more inspired. ^^. I love you!


and for the one who is asking:

Lucy - is olivia culpo

sean - is david giuntoli



"Hey lizzie. Wake up. Liz" I opened my eyes, and I found sean shaking me to wake up. 

"We're almost here at australia" He continued.

I didn't notice I fell asleep. probably a while ago while I was crying under my blanket.. 

I just got online on twitter and I saw perrie posted a video of her at the studio captioned " Sorry lizzie :(" I  clicked on it and watched it.

"Is it on? Is it?. Oh. Sorry. Hii! lizzie! no no. I mean. Bye lizzie. I'm sorry I didn't get my last good bye to you. geeze I feel really bad right now... yeah uhm- I don't know where to start. uh- oh! here's a good one. when it was christmas eve also 'louis bday' (she made a hand signalthat's the night I met you, you were so friendly, and you didn't let me felt alone or 'out of the subject" (she giggled) I wish that I knew you earlier, I'm gonna missed you so much (she wiped a tear)  It's stupid cause I didn't get my last hug... And the first gift you gave to me well Im wearing it right now. I love you. and be friendly there alright? well I have so many to say but the viewers will be bored so hahaha. bye. Im gonna missed you. Stay safe there okay? Text us if you get to aussie. I love you ugh I wish I could hug you."

End of the video.

before the video ends she reached her arm out pretending that I was hugging her. I commented the video saying "I'm gonna missed you too pezz. I understand you have some recording to do. I love you too. xx." 

little I didn't notice I was smiling like a dummy and I was tearing a bit.

well plane's landed I'm here at aussie now. God I hope things worked out. as me and sean got out of the plane sean ran to lucy and hugged her. and she pulled back and lucy hugged me I hugged her back. as we got in the car I didn't barely didn't notice that I was so quiet until lucy asked me about things.

 "Hey. You haven't in a while." lucy smiled at me.

"Uh- Sorry I was just um- thinking about my life here." I awkwardly smiled at her back.

"your life here will be awesome." She replied and she tapped my knees.

"And tomorrow is the start of your schooling love" She smirked at the mirror.

What? did she just called me love? okay now I'm missing london more... O yeah I forgot she lives in london too and just moved here. ugh. 

"I can't wait." I sigh and smiled.

"Don't worry. I'll escort you tomorrow." well lucy is really nice. she's not a 'plastic' not like the other sister in law that pretends to be nice. she's like my sister although she is. I can't stop thinking of london.

We first stop at a restaurant and eat, lucy didn't stop talking, you know to 'not feel awkward' as I we waited for our food I went to the bathroom to wash my hands, the way out tthere's this guy who step on my foot.

"Ouch" I didn't saw him that I was going to bumped him. can I just stop over thinking much and focus on the  way.

"I'm sorry babe" A tall guy same height at harry's with dimples and slitly curly light brown hair and with hazel eyes. he giggled at me.

I just smiled at him awkwardly and went back to the booth with sean and lucy's.

"Yay. Eat up lizzie." lucy smiled.

as we finished eating, we drive to my 'new' home, and lucy escorted me to my new room.

"Well sorry love. it's kinda dusty, I should have clean it before you arrived." Lucy said. She wouldn't stop apoligizing to me. I giggled at her and helded her hand.

"Lucy. I told you already it's alright. i'll just clean it." I smirked.

" Sorry.. well at the weekend, we'll buy you new things needed for this room." She suggested and smiled.

"Thank you lucy. for being nice to me, you're not like the other sister-in-law that is so mean when their boyfriends or husband is not around." I hugged her and smiled.

"Well. Let's just say that your brother got lucky of picking me" She giggled. "Well it's 7. want me to help you clean this? I got some extra bed cover at the room." she insisted and smiled.

I laugh and nodded.

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