Chapter 65

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I got up early. I don't know why, my eyes is sore. Harry still doesn't change I really miss him though... 

I took a quick shower, and went down to the kitchen, I saw lucy? wow. she's up so early. I sat at one of those high chair at the counter. and read some texts.

"oh hey. your up early." she smiled handing me a plate full of pancake.

"Yeah.. I haven't seen in sean since the day I live here." I said. as she took out a milk.

"He's busy at work. he's sleeping now.." She smiled as she offered me a milk.

"Oh." I nod.

"Hey. I like your hair.. Want me to braid it?" She offered.

"Yeah. Sure. But it's still wet." I said.

"I know." she said in a 'duh' tone.

she tugged my hand, and we went upstairs, she took out a hair dryer and we sat on the bed, she started braiding my hair.

"there." She said handing me a mirror.

"Wow.just wow lucy. It's wonderful really thank you" I stroked it a few times and hugged her.

"Now. Better get going to school." She smirked.

I took a picture of it and posted it on twitter: 

"Having the coolest future sister-in-law. Thank you really. :)" 

Lucy, accompanied me the way to school, because she said she was going to the grocery store. 

and when I enter the hallway I don't know what's going on but most of them, keep saying 'Hi. liz, hi Elizabeth" It's weird actually..until celeste told me that I'm the new 'hottie'. lol I can't believe it. I just transfered here a couple of days ago, and now. lol. I just can't believe it.... time's fast really, it's now lunch already..

'you're now the school hottie, you're gonna leave us now. won't you?" logan kept on saying.

"No. i'm not. logan.. I'm not like the others, okay?" I said nicely.

"I'm watching you." logan teased. and I smirked. 

and then acacia's gang, walked up to the hallway of cafeteria. and walked pass by us, she just look at me, like she wants to kill me, I just took out my phone and started scrolling up and down.

"I never knew that the cafeteria hallway was a 'fashion rampway'" cassidy whispers as she makes a hand signal.

acacia's friend lulu, heard it and she whispered it to acacia, and acacia went back at our table.

"What did you say?" acacia shouted as she hit our table. then all of them look at us.

"Cass" as celeste whisper.

"I didn't know her friend heard it." she whispers back.

"uhh- hello, I'm here" as acacia snapped.

"Uhh-. hello. we know." I replied as I sipped to my juice.

"And who are you?" acacia said to me, as she leaned to the left, crossed her arms and raise her right eyebrow.

"Elizabeth.... sydney.. Hi" I looked at her and smile..

"oh. so you're the 'new hottie' " she said as she makes a hand signal.

"I think.... Why?" I raise my right eyebrow.

"Listen here bitch, I'm the only hottie here, now don't you dare try to be-" 

"Acacia" troy shouted cutting her off.

"It's okay troy, she's just scared that I'm gonna take her 'precious hottie crown' away from her... Come on guys" as I stand up and left with the 4... before we left I heard the cafeteria goes "AWWWWW" "OOOOHHH"

"Wow. just wow, how did you do that? like no one has ever do that to her" Celeste said stopping infront of me.

"because you guys are my friends, ofcourse I'll be at your back" I smirked as I went to my next class..

well class has ended and I almost forgot about me and ashton's project, until he texted me to wait at the football field, so I watch some practice of troy's. until acacia's gang showed up.

"O look a bitch" acacia shouted pointing at me.

"O look an attention seeker" I shouted back and gave her an annoying look..

she almost went to me, until ashton and his friends showed up and hold acacia back, thank God I thought there was going to be a fight.. and I saw luke smirked at me..

well on our way to ashton's it's not quiet at all, they made me feel like they know me, luke sitted beside me at the car and he keeps on commenting and stroking my hair.

"you know liz. what youdid back there at the field, was pretty hot" luke giggled. and I felt myself burning up, I wanted to scream at his face. but I can't so my face began to turn red..

"Thanks.. by the way, why are you going to ashton's though?" I ask them.

"Gonna watch movie" luke answered. 

"Is it me and luke only talking?" I asked looking at michael.

"o sorry we thought that you just wanted to speak with him" Michael replied as he wiggled his eyebrows.. I just sigh and they laugh.

as we get in to ashton's his house is pretty neat, and they all ran upstairs. 

"Just wait there Im gonna get the CD" ashton shouted.

I sat at the couch, I went online, and I followed luke..

"Watcha doin?" somebody asked as he leans close to my cheeks.

"Holy sh-. you scared me luke" I jumped a little and I cupped my chest.

"It's obvious though, you almost swear and that's a bad thing you know?" He smirked as he sitted beside me....

I giggled and he went online, and followed me too 

"Wow. you have so many followers. I didn't know that you're popular" He looked at me.

"Yeah." I smiled, I think he doesn't know me, but it's alright, I just want people to know me as me not as bestfriend of harry styles..

as we watched the movie. we all watched it well sorta, luke didn't. He keeps on stroking my hair.

" I really like you. I mean with your curly hair" He whispered. I smirked.

and when the movie was finished, I saw ashton tearing up.

"Great movie" as ashton stood up and claps his hands. I laugh at him and took a video of it, while calum and michael, comforted him... and then ashton requested that we we'll just discuss it tomorrow. because he keeps on crying. and I can't stop laughing.. and luke offered that he'll walked with me home.

"You're cute when you laugh. I always see those two deep dimples" He smirked as he kick one of the pebbles.

"Well. as far  as I know. you have your own dimples" I giggled. and he laugh.

As we arrived at my house. He hugged me and said goodbye before leaving, and I just stood there and what just happen? did luke just hugged me? Oh my god.. It's not that, because I like him, and what am I thinking.. O God. My crush just hugged me.. I ran to my room and screamed. it's a good thing that lucy said that she was going out with sean.. I can't stop fangirling. I'm starting to like australia to be honest.


Heey. So how was it?. sorrry. :DDD. well I don't really know where is my story is going... Just continue to read it and  you'll find out. :DD.

I'm a harry and luke girl. how can I compete with this??!?!?!?!


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