Chapter 14-

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I cried, I cried and I cried...

I hated my brother so much for this, I'd been humiliated, no one would ever let me live this down. As I continued to cry, I felt the warm presence of another human next to me. I sniffed, peering out of the corner of my eye to notice it was Mr Mullender, one of my favourite teachers. He was young, perhaps about 23, and was one of the kindest people I knew. He was sitting down crossed legged beside me, with his hand placed gently on my back. I sat up, wiping away my salty tears.

"Hello sir" I sniffed.

"Hello Billy. I saw you dart out of the front doors, so I followed. Hope that's okay?" He was such a down to earth, genuine sort of guy, I felt I could tell him anything.

I nodded softly.

"How about you come with me to my classroom, it's empty as I have no classes today." I nodded my head, still sniffing away my sadness. He grabbed my bag for me, and I followed him through the abandoned corridors, until we finally reached his classroom.

"Here, grab a seat" he beckoned, pulling out a chair for me to plonk my bottom on. I took a seat and he placed my bag beside me, then proceeded to hand me a box of tissues.

"So, what seems to be the problem? You can tell me anything Billy, I'm just here to help" he said, pulling up a chair beside me, smiling in a soft way.

"My brother, he's a dentist" I started, still sniffling. "He came in today to talk to the class, and he embarrassed me in front of everyone." Tears began to run down my face again as Mr Mullender placed his warm hand on my shoulder.

"Carry on Billy" he smiled. "How did he embarras you?"

"Well, he was talking about braces, and he made me tell the whole class why I haven't had them."

"And what is that reason, Billy?"

"Because I won't let him put them on my teeth" I explained, my head sinking into my chest.

"Can I ask why?" Mr Mullender questioned.

"I'm not really sure" I began. "I guess it's just a fear of mine, the dentist. Me and my brother had a brawl in the office at my last checkup as I wouldn't let him see my teeth. I'm just so scared of the dentist."

Mr Mullender nodded. "I understand Billy. But have you told your brother this?"

I shook my head no.

"Stay here Billy, I'll be right back. I'm going to help you, okay?"

I nodded. Mr Mullender left, and I began to panic. Where was he going? What was he going to do? I could feel my heart start racing like a cheetah chasing its prey.

And then Mr Mullender re-entered the classroom...

My Brother, The DentistWhere stories live. Discover now