49.Will You Save My Life?

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Manik: Nandini, are you still worried about your intuitions?

I asked her when I saw her fidgeting with her accessories and looking out of the car's window with a tensed face. Currently, we were driving back to our home after two weeks of our blissful honeymoon, during which we got closer than, ever.

Nandini: Manik, I don't know why I'm getting jitters, as if something's gonna happen-good or bad, I don't know but all I know is, that I don't want it to happen, Manik

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Nandini: Manik, I don't know why I'm getting jitters, as if something's gonna happen-good or bad, I don't know but all I know is, that I don't want it to happen, Manik.

I sighed helplessly for I couldn't calm her, even when I wanted to. The whole journey, she was tensed about these intuitions of hers and now here she is-again lost in her thoughts. I held her hand and caressed her knuckles softly, that made her look at me immediately.

Manik(softly): Nandini, I don't know what will happen in the future but I can assure you that we will survive through it, together whatever maybe the outcome, it will ultimately sort any differences between us, which is still there.. Stop stressing yourself too much. Alight?

She nodded and smiled slightly. I pulled her close to me and kissed her head softly. Her intuitions have made stressed me as well. From past three days, she is worried and lost in her thoughts. I've never seen her like this-vulnerable, helpless and bugged... Admist all these thoughts, we reached home. Ah! How I missed the comfort of being home. I looked at Nandini and found her admiring the house as well with a peacefulness on her face. I totally love this girl-she has accepted my family, home, me as hers without any fakeness.

We both entered in the house, with our hands entwined, only to find a beautiful sight, one could ever wish for. The whole Malhotra and Murthy family was gathered there. Appa and dad were talking and laughing, Amma and mom were sitting closely, discussing something seriously and I can assure you that they were gossiping about something because women are very serious about gossiping. Anyway, moving onto, Cabir and Abhi, who were playing on their PS4 with other boys except Rishit who was in London as told by Nandini, along with Ridhima; whereas the girls were busy among themselves.

I looked at Nandini, who was watching them all with a beautiful, bright smile with tears in her hazel eyes. I side hugged her to which she smiled at me and together we went inside.

Manik: What people! Have you already forgotten us?

They all looked at us and pounded on us, except our parents and Navya who were sitting and watching us all. The girls surrounded Nandini while the boys were after me.

Cabir: Aur Manik, how was your honeymoon?

Manik: Seriously Cabir! At least, Let me sit and meet everyone..

Maddy: Don't bother about everyone Manik. No-one's exactly eager to meet you, so you can answer Cabir easily..

They all smirked at me, standing in a circle. I looked at mom who was already watching all this drama, so she stood up and held Cabir's ear..

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