63. His Sanity

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"When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots are to become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the desire to mate every second of the day. It is not lying awake at night imagining that he is kissing every part of your body. No ... don't blush. I am telling you some truths. For that is just being in love; which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over, when being in love has burned away. Doesn't sound very exciting, does it? But it is!"

~Captain Corelli's Mandolin

Time heals every wound-initially it was just a phrase but now I know, it's true in every sense but not exactly accurate. Passing time makes you forget all the scars which made you vulnerable because they get replaced with new memories just like mine. It's been four months since that whole Alya fiasco, four months since my relationship with Navya weakened more, four months since we got to know about Mukti's fatal pregnancy, and four months since Mukti is carrying a little life for five months now. We all know that these might be the last moments we share with Mukti but we choose to be happy and try to make the most of it but there's always a little hope, right? I felt a pair of arms sliding around my neck, making me smile to my brightest and why wouldn't I? After all these arms are my peace, my lifeline, my warmth, my love, my everything.

Manik: Kya soch rahi ho?

He asked nuzzling in my neck to which I arched my neck to the opposite side, giving him full access and snuggled in his chest.

Nandini: Bas yehi soch rahi thi ki time kitni jaldi jaa raha hai na.

He pecked on my neck making me close my eyes to feel the bliss. His lips calm every stress that's on my mind.

Manik: That's true, in fact since the time we've met, everything seems to be happening in a jiffy. It seems like a beautiful but eventful dream-a dream that I'd never want to end.

I smiled hearing his thoughts because indeed it's a beautiful dream but all dreams are as delicate as glass, they are fragile too. We've already experienced what a nightmare is and I don't want to face it again but it's mere thought scares me like never before. What if something happens to Mukti? We all would be broken...

Manik: Nothing would happen Nandini. Just calm down. I know we've been through hell in the past few months but it just depicts our strength. Just have faith, nothing would happen. Everything would be alright. Mukti will be fine..

I nodded smiling slightly, making myself believe Manik's words. I know we'll be together and happy, no matter what.

Nandini: I hope that too Manik. I also want Mukti to be fine and nurture her child just like most mothers do. I, too, want Mukti and bhai to experience that feeling of being parents, the...the parenthood, Manik. I also want Ridhima and Rishit to get married happily, with no guilts and regrets, just how they wanted to, in front of each one of us, for which they delayed their wedding. And I know, in the end everything would work out and we all will be together.

He nodded and kissed my head from behind and tightened his hold on me. As Rishit and Ridhima are orphans technically since Rishit is not in contact with his parents, they both wanted to marry after Mukti's delivery so that we all can celebrate happily. A part of me is afraid of the consequences but...nothing is in my hands now. All I know is that I'll try my best and hundred per cent to save Mukti and her child.

Manik: Acha Nandini, you get ready, I'll be waiting downstairs.

I nodded and we both got up from the bed. He was about to leave when I stopped him. He looked at me with confusion,I walked towards him and held his arms.

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