Meeting Romeo

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October third, remember the date ladies and gents. It's the day my heart was stolen by my redneck Romeo.

He wore his cowboy hat and his blue button up shirt was the same color of his eyes. My heart leapt out of my chest as he stood on his tailgate with a red solo cup filled with moonshine. "Redneck Crazy" played on his stereo as our eyes met. As he looks at Me with a sexy crooked grin, I stumble over my best friend Cheyenne and bite my lip nervously. "You okay Dani??" She asked worriedly. gigging as if drunk, I murmur, "just to much to drink!"

I walk to the car to grab a water and take a few pills for a headache.

"It's not healthy to mix alcohol and pain medicine ma'am." His voice drips like sugar from his lips and I turn to face him.

"Isn't it stalkerish to follow a woman to her car?" I laugh uneasily.

With him so close, I smell his cologne and the moonshine on his breath. Hormones raged as he stood beside me, practically touching. With alcohol running through my veins, I knew I needed to walk away from him.

"I didn't follow you. I, how do I say this, escorted you to your car" He says with a sly smile.

I laughed at his statement and looked into his eyes. They made my heart melt, their soft blue color reading my mind and reaching into my soul.

Iamsodrunk.... Ishouldgo. I think to myself.

He reaches for my hand and I almost pull away but he slips a piece of paper into it.

"I know you may not even be interested, but, this is your choice. Tomorrow, you'll find this in your pocket and it has my name on it, if you want to get to know me, with out us being drunk, give me a call."

And in no time, he was gone.

After he left, I walked back to the bonfire, his truck was gone and I knew I wouldn't see him again unless I gave him a call. Dancing next to Chey, the day seemed to never end. I wanted tomorrow to hurry and get here. Realization hits when I notice that I never bothered to get his name.

Finally, the fire runs out of flame and no one has any more alcohol. People are passed out around the lawn and my new shorts have been stained with moonshine and tequila.

Chey drives me home and as soon as I walk into the door, my dad stands with coffee in his hand, leaning against the door frame of the living room. Glaring over his coffee cup he watches me shut the door.

"Where the hell have you been?! Do you have any idea what time it is? Is that alcohol on your breath?!?!" I never flinch as he shouts. Standing rigid, I watch his movements. He's been drinking and the coffee does very little to cover the alcohol lingering on his tongue.

"I've been out with Chey, I told you this after I came home from work." I stated calmly as he set down his coffee mug. I knew it was coming, the anticipation was written all over his face.

Just because you're expecting something, it doesn't mean that you always see it coming.

I cry out in shock as he strikes me twice, once on each cheek.

Looking up into his eyes, I see regret, the one thing I've never seen. No sadness, just regret.

Running up stairs, I undress and crawl into my personal safe haven....

forgetting, just for a moment, of all the bull crap in life.

Joshua's POV

She seems to not leave my mind all night, even after the bonfire, I still could not block the feeling that she will call me in the morning.

She was so wasted though, i doubt she'd even remember what i  looked like. Time seemed to drag by as i toss and turn all night but finally, sunlight steamed through the blinds. my  phone buzzed and my  heart raced when i looked down at the unknown number.

"I am afraid that you lost your number in mybpocket lastnight." Her text brought a silly grin to my face and I sent a quick reply. "If it is lost, then why are you the one texting? ;)" While waiting for her reply, I quickly start to grab clothes and then head into the shower.

Dressed, clean and in blue jeans, I rush to my keys and head out the door, almost forgetting my phone on the way.

"So, when can I see you again?" I ask her, uneasily waiting for her reply. I start to wonder about who she was there with last night, my mind seemed foggy and ever time I tried to think, my head would throb.

"I guess that is your choice?" Thinking, of a good time and day, I choose Saturday. After sending my reply, I drive to the local diner.

It seems vibrant with life! colors are Alittle washed out and there is Alittle rust on the bottom and corners of the building.

I choose a seat far from the entrance and face the for, not looking the thought of something happening and having no heads up. Then, to my shock, she walks in with her dad trailing her.

I watch her behavior and decide to text her.

"its Alittle dark in here to be wearing sunglasses isn't it?" Sending the reply, I watch her read it and look around.

She looks around and when she spots me, she smiles and goes to wave, but, drops her hand slowly. Her dad turns my way angrily and glares at Me. His eyes are cold and his hands clinch into fist.

Watching them as I eat, I decide that I will just text her later, out wait until she texts me. While paying for the tab, her dad goes to the bathroom and she hurries my way. "Please, don't tell him we are talking. And by the way, my name is Danielle, but call me Dani." I wish I could see her eyes, our already remember the color of them, but, I Dont remember much of anything. Before her dad leaves the bathroom, she is back at their table.

I walk out the diner, thinking of how her hands slightly tremble and the reasons for her shades.

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