Hello Dear

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I finally get out of bed and open my phone. The message light is blinking and I feel my heart race. A new number and a small skirt message that brings a smile to my face.

I've been thinking of you. I know who it is without a doubt and I find myself blushing at the thought of possibly getting to see him finally. I send a quick reply to him and wait impatiently while tapping my foot.

I have missed you. Was all I could say. Then regret quickly made my stomach deep at the thought of me telling him no.

I want to see you. Today? Around 3ish?

After telling him the obvious answer, I run and get into the shower. The hot water runs over my shoulders and chills prickle my soft skin.

After 30 minutes, I am out of the shower and standing by my closet as dad rushed through the door. Fear seems to invade my happiness when I see the anger in the dark blue eyes. He looks down at Me and it's like he can see through the towel I wear. Wringing my hands as he stands before me, I search for words to say.

He looks at Me sadly and hands me his alcohol. Confused, I look at him uncertainly. "what's this for??" I stutter.

"Keep them away from me. It's to hard trying not to drink when they are in my sight." He mumbles then walks out of the room.

I stare after him blankly while trying to gather my rambled thoughts.

I turn back to my closet and stuff the bottles somewhere he would not find them. After there safely put away, I grab my clothes and decide on low riding jeans and a soft pink sweater that compliments my body perfectly.

Once my hair is done, I start to do my make up and quickly decide against dark colors. After that, I look in the mirror abs smile. I grab my boots and had down stairs. Dad is lasting on the couch with his hat pulled over his face. I quietly sneak out of the house and put on my shoes before walking down the road.

Joshua is coming up the road after I have walked for a few minutes. Waving him down, I realize that he isn't alone.

My heart stopped when I realized who it was. Before Joshua for it off his car. I quickly recovered my shock from setting the man in the passenger seat.

His hat is pulled low but I can still see the bags under his eyes. After a long hug, I look into his blue eyes and feel my heart flutter.

Joshua's POV

My heart races when I see her in her tight jeans and pink sweater. My mouth goes dry and I slow down the car.

My best friend, Mike, sees her and glances at Me. "That's not possible." Before I can ask what he means, I pull the car over and get out. Wrapping her into a tight hug, I kiss her before thinking. To my Amazement, she kisses me back with out the slightest hint of hesitation. After she pulls away, I realize mike was out of the car watching us. Dani notices him and her eyes quickly look back at Me. Before being able to explain, she pulls away from me.

Mike let's her have the front seat and shuts the door Alittle to hard and she flinches. As we drive I keep watching her. Her body tenses every time we hit a bump and she closed her eyes to keep from giving herself away. I continued watching her as she gripped the for handle.

"May I invite Chey along?" She says to me while at a stop light. I shrug and tell her to go ahead.

At the diner, Chey meets us there and Mike's jaw clenches. When Chey sees him, she quickly pulls Dani away from us. I watch as they argue and finally Mike speaks to me.

"Me and Chey dated and after we broke up, I tried getting with Dani. Me and Chey never talked after that. I would have told you, but I never knew you meant this Dani." As he explained, I finally began to understand everything.

I watched her through out the day. Her hair bounced when she laughed and her lips never stretched into a full smile. It was like something was missing as she watched Chey and Mike. Nothing was how it use to me. A few times, I found her eyes and her while face would light up. But other times, we would have eye contact, but that sparkle in her eye would be missing. It's like seeing them here together made her uncomfortable. It wasn't very long till I realized why.

She was in love with Mike. 

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