Sleeping Beauty

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After the kiss, I pull back, leaving my arms wrapped around him and gaze up into his blue eyes. His arms hang loosely around my hips and I Dont want to move or go anywhere. His arms tighten around me as he pulls me to him and kisses me again. I feel goose bumps raise on my arms and quickly rub them away as Joshua puts his forehead to mine. "Maybe I should take you inside before you get sick on our only vacation." He says softly.

I follow him inside unwillingly as he twines my fingers with his. I can't help but want to be in his arms and lately he is exactly where I want to be. Watching him put another log on the fire I look at the scars on his head and frown.

I am to blame for that.

He sees me looking at him and his expression changes. Watching him, he grabs the champagne and two glasses then sits beside me.

"To forgiveness and memories that will last forever." He grins then kisses me just as our glasses click together. Smiling, I take a sip of the champagne and wince slightly. Its charming tastes makes me gag and I can't help but laugh at Joshua's expression. His face seems to glow in the fires light and my emotions dance around my heart in a gentle harmony.

He turns serious and I can already hear it coming and I can't help but brace myself for it. "Maybe we should talk about everything going on..." He says while turning to me. Even though I knew it was coming, I still did not want to hear it. But, I already knew that it was bound to happen and no matter what, I would have to talk to him about everything that had happened.

Putting down my glass, I turn and look into his eyes. He takes a deep breath and begins.

"I care about you. More than you could possibly understand. Your smile is beautiful and there is something about you that makes me feel wanted, loved and needed. I love that about you. You have a tender heart and a caring soul, but there is something more.. Isn't there? Something that you want no one to see.. something that you want no one to understand about you. But, what if someone does know? What if someone is falling for you and you just have no idea? I won't leave you, I may have taken a serious ass whooping from your dad. but, I am staying right here where I want to be." He pauses, waiting for me to answer him.

But, I can't even think of words that would be good enough for him to hear back.

"I don't know what to say. You make me happy and I know I can trust you. But, after what dad done to you, why are we even here right now?" I murmur. He laughs and raises my chin to look at him. "Beautiful, this was your idea." I blushed and turned my face away embarrassed and felt him softly kiss my cheek and then my neck. After a soft long kiss, I curl into his arm and listen to him sing to me.

I Dont know what song it was, what time it was, but I fell asleep in his gentle arms. Knowing that I was finally safe.

Joshua's POV

She smiled as I sung to her and the feeling of her lips upon mine never went away. I held her tightly as I sang my favorite song to her and then felt her breathing get deeper and knew she had fallen asleep on me. I smile and slowly picked her up, careful not to wake her. The beds silk sheets made her look as if she were a goddess as I laid her down. Her lips seemed to smile as I looked down at her and I couldn't help but wonder what she might be dreaming.

I quietly get dressed and then walk to the couch and lay down.

Almost asleep, I hear footsteps coming down the hall. Curiously, I keep my eyes closed and just listen.

Where would she go this time of night?

Her footsteps stop and I feel her soft touch on my shoulder and look up at her through sleepy eyes.

Without understanding, I felt her grab my hand and she pulled me off the couch and I followed her as she lead to me the bed we would now share.

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