Hello Again.

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It has been a few days and there is still no word from Joshua. Every time i try to think of something to text to him, i somehow talk myself out of it. Is it really even worth it? Some how i decide to just let it go. I delete his number from my cell phone and try to forget that I had already memorized his number as well. But, that part just does not matter anymore. Does it?

I search my mind for something to do today to keep my brain on anything but the obvious. Which works for a few hours. Then my mind is backt to the way we met. I can not help but try and talk myself out of going to the bon fire to hopefully see him. Unfortunely, I know better then that. Don't I?

I guess not because in no time, i am getting ready for the bonfire. It has happened every weekend for as long as i can remember. Still, i can not help but realize that he is all i want to be around. The only person who might actually understand what it is like to come from a broken home. Unlikely to actually catch him there while i am there, but I have to try.

I wait around my house till the twinkling stars start to peak from behind the clouds, then grab my keys to the truck that my dad forgot to put in the garage. Aside from the threat of what can happen when i get home, i take it anyway. The drive doesnt seem as short as usual. I can not help but feel the heat in my cheeks as i feel the distance between me and my destination. Jumping out of the truck, I grab my cell and head for the only light in the open field. My Pants seem to tug at my waist uncomfortably and my breath hitches as i get closer to the small gathering of people. They are all familiar; people I have grown up around. As i get closer to the crowd, i catch myself searching for his truck. No sign of his white ford anywhere in the field and i feel my heart drop. Biting my lip, i decide to start asking around.

No one has seen him and my heart sinks at the thought that i was out here for nothing more than being crowded around by drunken people who thought this was a good time. Anger seemed to flash behind my lids as i closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Nothing was going as i planned and I wished that i knew where he would be right now. But, i dont. I only have this small amount of hope that he may actually show up here.

I decide to wait around for a few hours. But, after being bumped into and trampled over, I decide that i may as well leave before I get my clothes ruined as well. On the way to my truck, my keys get knocked from my grasp and I feel beer oozing through my shirt and sticking to my skin.

Cursing under my breath, I head for my truck once again, My keys in my pocket.

The truck seems bigger than usual but i jump into the drivers seat and reach behind me to grab a new shirt. After i feel clean I decide not to go home. Considering the alcohol that now stains my skin, i know dad will smell it. I hope that in a few hours he may be asleep, but i know better. Deciding to head into town, I stop for a short bite to eat.

As i drove, I decided to text an old friend and I invited him out. "I will meet you there. It is the same hang out place we use to meet at when we had to sneak around." I told him when he asked me where I would be.

I could hear the happiness in his voice when he answered and quickly agreed to go. Relief washed over me when i realized that I may be having a new chance.

Joshua's POV

I see a truck pull in with her in the drivers seat and I can not still my thumping heart. The rhythem is unpredictable and i know that i should try to get out without her seeing me, but quickly decide against it when she jumps out of the truck. My heart falters when i realize a man get out of a car beside her and begins talking to her.

I watch intently as his thin frame hugs her around the waist and kisses her cheek. Blush takes over her brightened face and jealously takes over my mind. Anger swirls around my head as i watch them walk hand and hand into the cafe. His eyes meets mine and he nods my way; having no idea who i am. She must feel my eyes on her because she looks over at me and glares.

"Dani!" I holler at her. She jumps at my voice and watches me with fear. All the anger i felt went away when i seen all the pain and hurt her eyes held. The guy with her watched the silent interaction and put his arm around her waist protectively. I glared at him and his returned glare shown that he was not about to give us the time that we needed.

"Would you just listen to me?" I pleaded with her. The guy she was with just looked down at her and she nodded.

"It is okay Thomas. I know him very well." She answers him. And, right in front of me, he kisses her on the lips. She doesnt kiss him back and he walks away angrily.

Glancing at me apologetically, i start to say what i have needed to say. "I am sorry, I got a new phone with a new number and I had no way to get in touch with you. I would have if i could have. You know that, Dani."

I looked down into her emotionless eyes and couldnt help but feel worthless as i watched her.

"Just give me your number again, Joshua. Just don't worry if you dont here from me for a few days. I am kind of busy." she whispers. I take her phone as jealousy comes into my mind yet again. I glance at the man named Thomas and realize that he is watching my every move. With that, i step to her and grab her hips, and press my lips to hers. She kisses back and wraps her arms around my neck.

Stepping away, i see the flushed look that comes to her cheeks and she smiles her soft gorgeous smile. And for once in almost a week, i know that everything will be okay.

I watch her as she talks to Thomas and her swift glances to me let me know that I would hear from her again.

The weight on my shoulders fall away when i realize that she does like me more than she ever let on. But now, i realize that I also need to figure out the reason she keeps up her guard around me.


I can not seem to focus much, but i will have chapters updated much more often. So, guys... What do you think of the "Old Friend" Thomas?! Should they try to hook up, or should Joshua not give up on Dani? Tell me your thoughts!

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