Aches and Pains

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The day with Cheyenne was eventful. We went to the mall and ate alot of cheese cake. But, I knew the time would come when she would ask about Joshua, but I just tried to avoid it at all cost. Bringing up different subjects when she got quiet seemed to work. But. nothing can last forever.

I ran out of topics and we were sitting in silence. Searching for questions seemed out of the question. I heard her words before they even came out of her mouth but I knew she just could not help herself.

"So, what happened to the macho party man?" She asked calmly.

For some reason I got annoyed at her accusation but pressed my lips together. "I turned him down when he asked to be my boyfriend."

She turned to me and glared. Unable to look her in the eyes, I just shrugged and waited for her to stop pouting.

"He seemed like a good guy. What in the world happened and why would you have told him no. You probably made up an excuse about how you just don't like dating and left him heartbroken. Dani, don't let your dad come between you and happiness. I've told you this!"

I remained frozen at her words. I had completely forgot how much she actually knew about my home life. With mom always being gone, it was easier for dad to be an abusive jerk. But, no one sees everything. I keep the bruises hidden easily beneath layers of clothes and I've finally mastered the art of being numb to the abuse. That's all that matters to me.

She must have thought I was ignoring her because she tapped my on the shoulder.

I gaze down at my coffee and watch the foam and caramel swirl around carelessly. What if we are all care less and happy. Able to move easily without being disturbed?

The thought was absurd and childish but it was how I wish I was. Careless and brave. Instead I shrink everyone that dad throws a punch. 

Chey looks at Me and her face softens. "You need to tell someone, Dani. He can't keep this up." But, we both knew he could; He would.

I glanced at her and seen the worry in her eyes. "I am strong, I can do this. Besides, it won't be like this for long, Chey." I tell her. I guess she notices the strength in my jaw and the stubbornness in my eyes because she just huffs and falls against the booth.

After the full day of events, I am back home in my room writing when dad comes in.

He watches me closely and I just glare up at him. "I'm sorry, Danielle. I Dont know what's been wrong with me the last few years. I'm going to stop drinking, okay? I'm going to be the father that you need." He looks at Me sadly and I almost feel pity for him... Almost.

"You won't stop, Pops. I know you feel bad, but there's a bottle of whiskey down the hall, to the right, in your office. In about twenty minutes, you'll be the man I despite and hate." I snap. I look away uneasily but he sucks in a sharp breath and leaves me alone and untouched.

I stay up writing all night while thinking of what to say or do tomorrow. I kept checking my phone periodically to see if Joshua texted me. Finally I gave in and picked it up.

"Can we talk? Please?" It isn't much, but he doesn't answer. After an hour and a half of waiting. I finally doze off.

Joshua's POV

I finally woke up around two. Searching for my phone yet again and realizing what I had done.

I grab the pieces of my phone and head to the store.

Its Alittle crowded but I wait patiently.

"Hello, how may I help you?" a woman asks to enthusiastically as she approaches me. I try not to roll my eyes and request a newer phone with an otter box, handing her the pieces of my old one.

Within minutes, she has a new phone and number for me. "Is there any way to recover the numbers in my phone?" I ask impatiently. She Shakes her head and hands me the phone. Doing my best to be polite, I mutter a thank you and leave.

Driving by Dani's house, I see her dad home and decide against pulling in.

The day drags by without so much as a thought of Dani again. She said no anyway so why am I still waiting around?? 

Throughout the day, I head over to my parents to see if they can look up numbers I've texted over the last 2 weeks and they quickly agree. They keep my phone and program names and the numbers; telling me that they'll give it back in a few days.

I can't rest much, but I need to find a way to keep her off my mind.

I decide to go into town then head to the mud bog for a fun time.

Girls are everywhere, wearing skirts and shorts small enough to make any man fall to his knees. But, none have the face I'm looking for. Even around beautiful women, I can't get one off my mind to save my life! I look around frustrated and see a group of friends I use to hang out with. As I walk to them, Lucas jumps off the tail gate and shakes my hand. "Where you been, man?" he asks me. People look around at me after hearing him shout over the music. A group gathers around me and I can't help but forget for a few minutes about the girl who was starting to make me hate these mud bogs! Throughout the time spent there, I decided to forget about Dani.

A girl with auburn hair keeps looking my way, so I got a bottle of whiskey and a cup of moonshine. Walking to her, I noticed how thick around the hips she was and then noticed how her pouty lips affected me in weird ways. The alcohol was already having its toll on my body. She glanced at Me as I made my way to her and she told the group she was talking to that she would be back.

"Hi. Joshua right?" Her voice caught me off guard and it took a second for me to recover. I nodded some and handed her the bottle of whiskey. She took it with a smile and looked in my eyes. Her blue eyes seemed cold and careless as we talked. "I'm Abby!" She shouts over the bumping music. "Nice to meet you!" I shout back.

We talked for hours then it was time to go.

I walked her to her car and opened her door. She slurred as she climbed into the passenger seat. "Thank you for watching her for the night." I hear the driver say. the voice sounds familiar but I dismiss it with a short welcome and go to walk away. But, before i can, Abby is out of the car and grabs my hand. She slips a paper into it and Dani flashes before my eyes. I remember giving her my number the same exact way. Damn that woman. Abby reaches up and forces her lips against mine eagerly. I kiss back roughly and lightly touch her lip with my tongue. She parts her lips and our tongue play a heated dance.


It's been a few days loves. Sorry to keep you waiting, Hope that you like this chapter! what do you all think?!

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