It Was Definitely A White Christmas....

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I'm Sorry this took so long to write but here it is :)

okay I just thought I'd let you know that i recently found an even better girl to play Claud who is like exactly the match to what i thought she'd look like in my head so as of the start of this Claudia went to the hair dressers and got balayage but clearly that's not very important so it's not in the story but just so your not confused I thought i'd let you know

 It Was Definitely A White Christmas....

"What? Are you serious were going to Ibiza?" Zayn said all excited, "Finally Sun!" He screamed running out the room, I'm guessing to pack.

Someone is as keen as a bean

"Claudia?-" Liam started to go all Daddy Direction.. And to say I was nervous was an understatement. "When do we leave!" His expression lightened and I let out the breath that I hadn't realised I was holding.

"Well according to Zayn right now? But we can leave some time today if you want?" I asked, gesturing towards the hallway Zayn had headed to. The boys nodded rushing off after Zayn to pack as well. 

But not Louis he stayed watching me intently, ohh there we go the nervousness is back I sighed taking Louis' hand and pulling him closer to me.

"Louis say what you have to say" I announced looking up into his big, bright eyes.

"Whats the real reason were going?" He whispered placing his free hand around my waist. To lie or not to lie? Tell him the truth!

"Ryan" I sighed not giving him a complete answer. He nodded knowing I wasn't going to give him the whole truth, he smiled, kissing my cheek and pulling back to look me in the eye again. 

"Thanks for telling me the truth this time" He was truly happy I had told him, and it slightly released the weight that hanging on my shoulders, I nodded, turning towards the two friends on the floor.

"Kevin" I called, his head shot up and looked at me, I was taken a back.. How did he know his name already? I looked at Louis who just shrugged, picking up Larry who fit perfectly into both of his hands and walking out of the room.

* * *

Louis POV

Packing took no time at all.. Well for me anyway I just threw all my clothes in my suitcase. Harry on the other hand was being picky. I was sat on the spare bed, Larry curled up in my lap.

Everything still felt so surreal, we were off to Ibiza because Claudia was I'm guessing scared of this Ryan guy, we still hadn't heard from Eleanor and Aston so I wonder what is going on between them two.

 Claudia was in the other room looking sexy as god damn hell while wearing my shirt, and we now have a puppy and kitten.

This will be interesting when we go on tour early next year....

Have you told Claudia that yet?  Had I? And what does it matter, she comes with us no matter what, why would it suddenly bother her if we went on a proper tour? I mean the boys we were co-heading for wouldn't bother her would they?

And you know what I would soon regret those words....

"Boobear-- Lou---Louis!" I heard someone call before a pillow hit me square in the head.

"What was that for!" I exclaimed, startling Larry a bit. I looked up to see Harry smirking innocently at me.

"Haz you startled Larry, be careful of our baby" I pouted soothing the kitten back to sleep. Harry gave me a funny grin, shaking his head a little sending his curls into a craze.

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