From Cheshire To Ibiza

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Juts wanted to say how proud I am for these boys right here >>>>>

Well done on winning your first Brit, you really do deserve it and your an inspiration to everyone :) 

From Cheshire To Ibiza 

5 hours! 5 bloody hours we have been on this plane. I think I'm going insane. After the whole erm incident with Louis and I, we came out of the room to find everyone smirking at us.... Talk about awkward!

 Louis and Harry disappeared some time after.... I really hope there just going off because of their bromance and not for the reason's I  think Liam had to go calm Niall as their was no more doritos...because he ate them all!!!! 

So that just left Zayn and I because Danielle-leave-her-friend-Peazer left because she was tired. 

So here I am stuck trying to get Zayn off me because lucky for me I sat down next to him, I offered my lap thinking he would just rest there for a while little did I know he would fall asleep on me! I know how Zayn gets when he is asleep but it is ten times worse when he is jet lagged!! 

Wah! Why me I had contemplated pushing him off and making a run for it, but every time I moved his grip on me got tighter. Sigh! Maybe I should just sleep to? I let out a long sigh before getting comfy and closing my eyes.

* * *

Louis POV

"Lou! You dog, how'd you get her to do that?" Harry exclaimed, as we sat on the couch. He had whisked me away as soon as Claud and I emerged from her room, of course he wanted all the details. We were just as bad as girls I swear. "It was her idea" I chuckled leaning back causally, quite smug if I do say so myself. 

"Fuck, it something about this plane Boo, neither of you can keep your hands off each other" Harry smirked, ruffling his curls a little. "Must be mate must be" I chirped.

I was about to say another smart ass comment when there was a loud crash, I fell off my chair and Harry jumped three feet in the air. "What the fuck was that!" I screamed, my head popping up like a meerkat, looking around for the suspect. 

It was then followed by a loud scream and then a thud. "Were under attack!" A very girly voice screamed. I looked at Harry he was wearing his trade mark smile. "Claudia" We chuckled in unison. I stood up and headed towards where she would be, Harry following behind me. 

I burst out laughing when I saw her all tangled up in a blanket on the floor, and Zayn half hanging of the couch still asleep. "Claud? Are you okay?" I asked trying to hold back my laughter.

 "Ghssndeeeehhgjjttttt Maabaheeeee Onnvduuuuusbsjvdjktttttt" Was all we got, Probably wasn't the best idea to ask her something while she was wrapped in a blanket She moved around trying to free her head, with success after a few seconds. 

"GET ME OUT!" She screamed, and I emphasis on the scream. I'm surprised but not overly surprised that Zayn is still asleep, especially in that position. 

Harry chuckled besides, but swiftly moved to Claudia's side to help her. "How they fuck is he still asleep!" She whined throwing her hands in the air.

"Claud, this IS Zayn were talking about" I exclaimed. She pondered my words for a minute before shrugging. "Okay lets find out what the fuck made that noise" She huffed, standing up in one give movement and heading towards the room that the bang had come from. 

Claudia's POV

Okay who ever made that noise is in some serious shit... I may not be as hard to wake up as Zayn is but I sure as hell throw a fit bigger then him and Louis combined when I get woken up.

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