Missing In Action

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This chapter is for all the fans who didn't hound me to update. 

who didn't once say write update update update, or when are you updating the next chappy? 

To the one's who didn't suck up to me saying how much they loved it then wrote oh and when are you updating next. 

This chapter is to all the fans who told me how much they loved/hated, how they stayed up all night reading it, how they think Claudia and Louis should get together or how they think Niall had a think for Claudia. 

This chapter is for the people who were patient and understood how much pressure I was under. 

So to those fans like @Lexieevelyn who just wanted to support me and weren't interested in finding out about the next part I thank you... 

This chapter is for you guys <3

Missing In Action

Harry was silently freaking out, Zayn was trying to keep Rose occupied, Niall was eating and Liam was racking his brain for idea’s of where Claudia would have gone, for ages I have been trying to tell them to call Simon but no-one was listening to me… big surprise there. 

I thought I’d try my luck once more but knew I would come up short..

“Here’s a crazy idea, why not call Simon” I yelled out a little louder hoping to get there attention, but nope. It didn’t work. 

I slouched back in my chair as I watched my surroundings. Harry had started pacing around the room again, Rose was falling asleep on Zayn while he has in deep thought, Niall had finished his food and was now staring at Liam deeply, as Liam did the same. It was a little scary. 

“Hay! I can’t believe I didn’t think of this earlier” Liam suddenly announced, startling Niall. “Simon! He knows Claudia better then all of us” My mouth dropped to the floor, as everyone sighed happily  smiling at Liam. 

“Are you kidding me! Iv’e been trying to tell  you to call him for 10 minutes now!” I whined, throwing my hands up in the air, before pulling my phone out of my pocket, mumbling a few curse words under my breathe. 

“Sorry Lou, we should have paid attention to you” Harry smiled weakly while patting my shoulder. 

I didn’t reply as I waited for Simon to answer, after Claudia’s little freak out before Ibiza, we were finally allowed to have Simons personal number just in case. 

“Louis?” S

“Simon, we have a problem” L

“Why do I have a feeling I’m not going to like what your about to tell me” S

There was a hint of amusement in his voice but I knew he was being serious none the less.

“We can’t find Claudia” L

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