New York I Love You But You're Bring Me Down

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New York I Love You But You’re Bring Me Down

“Urgh No Louis not my hair!” I screamed out as Louis dangled me over the crashing waves, the boys were all in hysterics. 

“Get him girls!” Eleanor screamed as She, Danielle, Perrie attacked Louis down, of course this brought me down to. 

“Ahh!! Eleanor ya idiot” I screamed out chuckling as I re-surfaced. 

The girls had joined us shortly after leaving the Lawson lads, I had begged them to fly over so I wouldn’t be stuck with just the boys and with a lot of persuasion on Perrie’s side due to her having band commitments they agreed and were on the next flight over.  

Without a doubt Perrie was the nicest girl I had ever meet, excluding Danielle and - even though I still hadn’t gotten over the cheating thing - Eleanor, no matter what the press or fans say her and Zayn were the cutest - real - couple, shortly after Danielle and Liam. 

“Sorry Claud” She apologised as I jumped on her back, luckily she could touch the floor so I didn’t drown her. 

“Danielle stop making out with the enemy!” Perrie chuckled as she pulled away from Liam’s lips. 

“Oh right the war!” She cried out dunking Liam’s head under with an evil chuckle. 

“Attack!” I screamed launching myself at Niall, while Perrie went for Louis, Danielle attacked Liam and Eleanor jumped on Harry, Zayn of course was Ref because he still couldn’t really swim. 

But to be fair we needed someone to sit out anyway so the teams were even. 

“Not the hair!” Harry screamed, as Eleanor set her claws to work. 

“My balls!” Louis cried out in pain. 

“I can’t see!” Niall whimpered, not because I scratched them but because I covered them I swear. 

“Can’t breathe!” Liam chocked out, we all stopped looking over at Danielle. 

She was on his back, hands playfully around his neck.

“Woah D don’t kill him” I joked, as Zayn whistled with his fingers and mouth. 

“Foal! Girls stop playing dirty!” He chuckled, thinking it was hilarious that we were beating the shit out of his band mates. 

“We never said we’d play nice!” I yelled back, splashing water at Harry while he tried to fix his hair, Niall chuckled, I could feel his laughter vibrate threw me due to the fact I was still on his back. 

“Harry you princess” He laughed high fiving me. 

Harry gave us the finger, sneakily pushing Eleanor under while she adjusted her bikini top. 

Everyone chuckled when she popped back up dramatically, crying about how Harry could have drowned her. 

I giggled sliding off Niall. 

“Alright?” Niall questioned, sensing my sudden discomfort. 

“Yeah, just warn out” I lied, having a sudden wave of nausea hit me. 

“I’m going to get some rays guys” I yelled, swim/walking towards the shore, no-one objected continuing on with their game. 

I sighed flopping down next to Zayn who was sat near all our gear. 

I closed my eye’s hoping to get some rest and a clean tan, but I knew Zayn was peering at me.

“Spit it out Malik, I know your watching me” I chuckled, I knew something was on his mind, but what I couldn’t tell. 

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