This One's A Fighter

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This One’s A Fighter

Claudia POV

It was the day of the big party, which means it has been three days since my little moment with Louis, to which I then ran off to Nath’s.

That night I’ll admit was probably the worst I had ever been. I was a complete mess, if I wasn’t crying my eyes out, I was coughing my lungs up.

 I had barricaded myself in Nath’s room, it was the furthest from the other boys room’s, so I wasn’t going to keep them up all night, I already felt bad enough for doing that the past 5 days. 

I had tried to keep Nath out of the room, but he managed to push his way in, breaking down instantly at the site of me.

I hated doing this to him, to anyone who was around me when I was like this but he was convinced he wasn’t leaving me and at the time I didn’t have the strength to argue with him. 

That was the last of the dreaded nights, I was slowly getting better, I went back to the house the next day after I assured Nath and the lads I would be fine. 

The minute I entered the house I was tackled by Zayn, I remember laughing, a proper laugh something I hadn’t done in awhile. Once we both settled down he reassured me none of the boys were home so we were safe to talk. 

So thats what we did, we talked and talked and talked. Until I found myself half asleep on his chest, tears staining my face. 

I had woken up to Harry softly shaking me, apparently Zayn was cramping bad and I had to get off. I agreed but went straight up to my room, I had missed so much sleep during the week and I was needing to catch up on it before the party. 

The other two days were just spent getting things ready and I could tell the boys were really excited, I was so busy planning everything I had totally forgotten I had been on my death bed  three days ago, so lets just say it was a great distraction. 

Right now I was sat on my bed just finalising all the details, everyone who was anyone was coming, I had made sure to write out a list of the reporters who were attending for Paul and Kev plus the other bodyguards who were making an appearance, even though I had personally called them all and laid down the ground rules….

Things like what time they are to arrive, what time they are to leave, the fact that they are not allowed to go anywhere other then the white tent that will be in the backyard and other silly little things, all of which they happily agreed to. 

We so far had Sugarscape, Capital Fm, Radio 1, Mail Online, It’s a BIG! Thing, Fabulous Magazine, Alan Carr, Graham Norton (Those two were the only exception of people staying for the real party) Fully Charged, Radio City, Juice Fm, Kiss Fm, Nova and a whole heap more.

And yes I’m aware most of them are radio station’s but there was no way they were missing out on “The hottest party of the year” as it had been titled. 

I scribbled down a few things on my papers as a knock on my door interrupted my train of thought. 

“Don’t speak because I swear to god if I forget what I was about to write I will kill you” I joked, rethinking what I was going to write before hurriedly scribbling it down so I wouldn’t loose it again. 

I sighed happily pushing my papers aside and looking up at whoever had come in, shocked to say the least when I saw Liam. 

“Liam?” I questioned as he wandered into my room.

I still haven’t had the chance to make up with Liam and we aren’t exactly on speaking terms right now, so I’m sure you can understand how surprised I am that he was in my room right now.

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