They Don't Know About Us.

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They Don’t Know About Us.  

Everything felt like it was in slow motion, 

 Louis slowly getting dragged out of the room. Harry and Niall screaming at him, Liam explaining to Paul what happened beside me, Zayn’s hand sliding up and down my arm and continuously asking me if I was okay and if I could  here him. 

But as I watched the scene unfold and ran the events threw my head as many times as I could, I just didn’t want to except it. 

How could I have caused this much drama, so much tension, if I had just gone with them to the stupid club things wouldn’t have  turned out like this. 

“This is all my fault” I whispered wrapping my arms around my body to try and find comfort. 

“Shh Claud, it’s not your fault, you know how Lou gets if something is on his mind and he ends up drinking” Zayn soothed pulling me into a side hug.

“This is not what we needed before the start of the tour” Paul huffed rubbing his palms over his tired face. 

I sniffed looking down at the floor then back at the boys everyone but Paul looking at me. 

“I’m sorry” I whispered, placing my hands over my face and letting the tears fall. 

“Oh Claud, I didn’t mean it like that, everything will be fine in the morning yeah, get some rest, you all need it” Paul explain/ordered as he pulled my shaking body into his warm chest. 

I let out a little cry nodding as he pulled my chin up so he could wipe the tears with his thumb. 

“Zayn you go check with Niall and Liam take this one to bed, she’s had a rough start in America haven’t you, hmm?” He chuckled looking me in the eyes as I sniffed, giggling a little. 

“Alright night you two” Zayn said kissing my head as he and Paul left Liam and I to recoup. 

“Come on you need sleep and clothes, look your shaking” Liam tisked, chucking his arm over my shoulders and pulling me into his side. 

I let my eyes flick up to Liam as he gazed down at me, worry was clear in his eyes all the boys had had it, they knew Louis wasn’t stupid enough to do anything serious but seeing me shaken up like this had scared them, it had scared me to. 

“Hey, it’s going to be okay, Lou loves you, nothing is going to happen you here me?” Liam said roughly when I didn’t answer him. 

I just nodded in response as we headed out his hotel door and down the corridor to mine and Louis’ room. 

“He’s not-” I couldn’t even finish my sentence as we stepped in front of the door. 

I didn’t wanna go in there if Louis was, I just.. Couldn’t face him right now. 

“He’s asleep in Harry’s room I think, don’t worry you’ve got the room to yourself, just call if you need anything yeah?” Liam assured me as I nodded looking up at him with a half hearted smile. 

“I will, but please try get some sleep yourself, you look tired” I pleaded, touching the bags just under his eyes with my finger tip. 

He chuckled swatting my hand away and looking down at the ground. 

I sighed pulling him into tight hug, I really don’t know what I would do with these boys, they were the foundations that were holding me together.

“Thanks Liam” I whispered pulling back to kiss him lightly on the cheek. 

He sighed but smiled back as I slipped out of grasp and into my room. 

* * * *

Claudia Styles Dirty Little SecretWhere stories live. Discover now