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Im sorry to those who thought this was a chapter but I need this to be voiced and I thought this was the only way... 

Please read my newest One Shot Niall Horan... It's not a story I would be proud of but it had to be written, to many times have I witnessed bullying and sometimes it can have dreadful endings... please I hope you take the time to read it and understand what the consequences of bullying are... 

If you have ever been bullied or are being bullied please don't feel like your worthless, because there is always going to be someone who will miss you if you make the decision to end your life. 

and if you are bullying someone then step back and think about how your action's can really effect someone. 

Again I'm sorry if you thought this was a chapter, and don't worry im in the process of writing the next chappy :) 

Thank you for your time xxx

Also there is a new Claudia.... I don't know her name but I thought she reminded me of what i envisioned Claudia to look like.... here she is >>>>>

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