Our Love Suicide

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Our Love Suicide 

“Ah, everyone is together just as I thought” Ryan spoke, stepping up in front of me, so I was blocked from the lads.

Asher had a tight grip on around my waist while the other was around my arm, he had positioned his hands perfectly on top of my rib, knowing if I tried to move all he had to do was press hard enough and id be screaming in pain. 

“What do you want” Aston spat, taking step closer, Nathan on his tail. Asher’s grip tightened and I let out a little whimper

. “Now I wouldn't do that if I was you” Ryan teased, The boys eased of a little as Ryan chuckled.

“All I want is the truth, as I’m sure you all do” I sucked in a short breathe, I saw Ryan’s smile grow wider as did Louis eye’s. 

“You!” He stayed stepping out from behind Harry, you could now see all the boys perfectly, no emotion or facial expression would be hidden from me as they found out everything. 

“Ahh Mr Tomlinson” Ryan’s voice dripped with amusement. 

“Your the bastard she was with last night!” He shouted, pointing to Ryan, he chuckled once more shaking his head. 

“You mean the two guys your girlfriend cheated on you with?” I winced as he said those words looking up at Aston and Nath, who just looked confused and disappointed, I didn’t dare look at Harry out of fear. 

“No that was actually Asher and Logan” He laughed shoestring towards Asher and Logan who was now standing beside us. 

I’m glad he finds this so funny!

Aston and Nath, just gave off a confused disgusted look. I knew what they were thinking “Why would she willingly have sex with them” and I was glad for that, something in their minds clicked and they both stared at me in worry. 

Did they now  know I had been drugged?

“Just stop Ryan! You got your revenge last night why bring them into this!” I coughed, placing a hand to my mouth to cover it, I gasped in shock as again I saw blood, I quickly wiped it away hoping no-one saw. 

“Because, what fun would it be messing with just you, and I’m sure their all sick of your lies, I’m just helping them get the truth” He stated, looking at me with an smirk.

“The truth?” I spat “You mean your twisted version of the truth!” His smirk dropped as he looked at me, shocked and applaud I would say something like that. 

“I’m applaud Claudia, how can you even say that” He shook his head in disapproval. I tried to move out of Asher’s grasp to get to Ryan, but he just squeezed tighter as I felt a crack. I screamed out in pain and all the boys stared in fear, they wanted to do something but didn’t know what. 

“Jesus, Asher I said restrainer not break her fucking rib, Logan take over” Ryan sighed, waving a hand our way.

Asher scoffed, pushing me away from him and straight into Logan’s, warm comforting arms.

 He smiled at me, placing an arm around my waist that to everyone else looked like he was keeping me from escaping but really I felt safe, as he secretly rubbed my throbbing rib. 

I knew there was hope for this boy 

“As I was saying, I’m sure you guys don’t know any truth about Claudia, but I’m sure she has told you about Rose by now right?” He said with a grin on his face. I gasped in pain and in shock.

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