The Fake

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So  today I was real disappointed that my fears had been confirmed One Direction were only going to Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane as I suspected... (Stupid Perth! why do you have to be so boring that no artist will come here) So all day I didn't want anything to do with them... 

But do you know how hard it is to not think, speak , do or hear something One Direction related... I almost cried I just couldn't escape them... Curse you Directioners and One Direction  for letting me in on all the One Direction jokes!

Okay guys don't hate me for saying this and I just want to say how much of a dirty habit it is and i hate people for doing so, why cant they see how bad it is. But doesn't Zayn look hot when he smokes?? maybe its just me thinking it adds to his bad boy image but still! its bad bad bad and I am not condoning it ! I swear 

The Fake 

“Oh for god sake Claud!” He yelled, following behind me. “Claud, come on your my best friend, don’t ignore me!” I was ready to lose it. How dare he! I can’t believe I ever called him my best friend!

 “No! Don’t you dare call me that! You lost the right to call me Claud or your best friend the day you weren’t there! The day I nearly lost everything that meant something to me! Don’t even say I’m ignoring you when you didn’t answer any of my calls, when you tell Tom that I have done something to you, after you promised me I’d never have to fight my battles alone! You promised you’d always be there! But you weren’t. Just don’t!” I screamed back, a tear slipping down my cheek as I turned on the spot and run off down towards the beach. 

“Claudia! Wait!” I heard his sad voice travel towards me, but I just ran and ran and ran until I RAN straight into someone. I cursed looking up into the poor persons eyes I had run into.

“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean - Zayn?” I was shocked to see the person I had run into was Zayn.

Of course you would have run into one of the lads just as you were balling your eyes out Claud, I mean it couldn't have been a stranger or something. 

“Zayn where are the lads? What are you- Oh Zayn your not are you?” My words came out as a rush until I spotted it in his hands, the one thing he had promised us he wouldn't, I sighed placing a hand to head.

“Claud, I’m sorry” He sighed, taking my hand and sitting me down on the sand. “Wait Claudie why are you crying” He questioned, wiping a tear from my cheek.

“Stop changing the subject” I sniffed, trying to let out a little chuckle. 

“I’ll tell if you tell?” He asked, putting his hand out for me to shake. “Deal” I agreed taking his hand and shaking it.

“Alright so why are you crying and running Claud?” He questioned, placing an arm around my shoulder as comfort.

 I explained to him what I thought was the whole story with Nathan and I but boy was I wrong…

Claudia Styles Dirty Little SecretWhere stories live. Discover now