New York

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New York

"Boys! Lets go!" Paul bellowed as we trudged down the hallway and towards those dreaded doors that would lead to the millions of screaming New York fans awaiting at JFK airport.

The plane ride was pretty relaxed, although Harry thought it was okay to strip then only wear a blanket to the bathroom but other then that the boys were pretty well behaved.

"Come on Claud, not long and you can rest" Niall whispered in my ear, as the doors opened and we were spotted.

Niall was quick to realise I wasn't feeling well, so I had to tell him why.

It wasn't that we wanted to hide the fact that I was pregz from everyone, it was just easy to keep it quiet for now since the boys tour and everything was just starting.

Of course when we told Zayn he made me tell Paul so we were at three people so far, and I wasn't planning on adding to that list.

"Take a deep breathe and just smile" He whispered, just as we stepped out into the sea of fans, their were people everywhere screaming their heads off, Niall and I clung close to each other as Paul pulled us along, flashes hit my face and I tried to act natural or cover my face and hide the fact that I was in pain and light headed.

"Claudia! Claudia! Is it to true that your moving to New York because of the shame you put your family threw!"

"Boys when is the first show?"

"Zayn are you really dating Perrie?"

"Liam where is Danielle?"

"Louis is it true you are dating Eleanor Calder again"

All of that plus fans saying how much they loved the boys was being screamed at us, I never knew how wild Directioners could get but I guess there is a first for everything.

"Everyone look, Claudia looks like she's about to faint!" A young girl screamed, Niall tightened his grip on me, as Paul moved us quicker towards the exit.

The other boys waved as much as they could but there was just to many people.

"Do you think she's sick!" Another screamed.

"I bet she's hung over!" A motherly sounding voice screamed.

"She's probably still drunk" Someone else agreed.

"She's pregnant" A loud shriek called.

And thats when someone lost it, which one of the boys it was I'm not sure, I was just to concerned on getting out their.

"For god sake, everyone leave her alone! She is still recovering from her coma and sickness have some bloody compassion and leave her alone" Niall smiled from beside me, as we darted towards the car climbing in as soon as we were close enough.

"Hey are you alright" Paul called from the front, I nodded turning my head toward the window to see Andy getting the rest of the boys to the car.

It was complete mayhem out there and I honestly don't know how the boys can handle this every time they go out.

"Jesus that was insane, it wasn't this bad last time we came here" Harry commented as he climbed in and closed the door behind him.

Niall and I were in the back, Harry, Lou and Zayn were in the middle and Liam was up the front with Paul.

"Any word from Josh and the others did they make it out okay?" Zayn questioned everyone turning towards me as if I would know.

I sighed pulling out my phone and seeing I had received four texts, one from all of them.

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