Cheats and Liars....

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>>>> Claudia's Dress

Cheats and Liars....

Snapping out of my frozen state I took Rose from Simon.

" did you get her!" I yelled, not because I was angry... well actually yeah I was angry but mainly because I was scared out of my mind.

"Ed asked me to give her to you, apparently she was up all night crying and couldn't go without seeing her mum" His eyes were blazing with fire while his jaw clenched when he said the word mum.

"What! I...I...It's not what you think Uncle Sci" I pleaded, he looked furious with me.

"I don't want to hear it right now, we'll be speaking tomorrow, your father included in this. I just got off the phone with him, he's getting on the next flight from LA, honestly I don't even know who you are anymore" Every word crushed my heart, it felt like I was being smashed into a million pieces.

"I can't take this anymore!" I announced storming off with Rose and leaving a confused and upset Louis and a furious Simon.

There was no way I was going to stand there and allow them to tell me how I was the one who did wrong in both situations, I was done with no-one listening to the truth, everyone just jumped to conclusions when I was involved and that hurt, the fact that my own family will think the worst of me in every situation.

I sighed collapsing onto one of the couch's, I was just off to the side of the stage, you could see it but no-one could really see me, unless they were looking.

"Mum?" Rose whined tugging on one of my curls.

I looked down at my beautiful girl, she was sad but still managed a smile.

"Whats up butter cup" I asked placing her on my knee, as we listened to the sound of The Wanted's new hit Chasing The Sun.

"Miss Su" She sighed, looking down at her hands as she played with her dummy.

Kissing her head cuddling her to my chest.

"I missed you too sweetie" I sighed, leaning back on the couch.

Tonight was supposed to be fun, a great way to celebrate but it just turned into more fights and more drama.

"You'll find us chasing the sun" I sang trying to comfort Rose, she always loved it when I sang.

"Listen thats your uncle Nath singing, you remember him?" I asked as she looked up towards where the music was coming from.

"Naff!" She announced throwing her hands in the air.

He had met Rose the day Ed brought her back from the Bahamas, I asked him to take care of her while I sorted things out with the boys.

"Hey why are you...erm two? Hiding" I looked up to see Liam slightly confused.

"Trying to get away from everything is more like it." I sighed as he took a seat next to us.

"Iamm" Rose giggled happily, falling into Liam's lap, he chuckled picking her up and placing her on his lap.

He was really good with kids, I could tell the minute he took Lux while we were at the airport one time.

"Hi ya Rosiee" Liam cooed tickling her tummy.

"Now whats wrong with mummy?" He asked Rose in a baby voice.

She pouted a little looking up at me.

"Mummy sad" She announced, touching my arm.

"I saw the little confrontation with Louis and Simon, do you wanna talk?" His eyes sparkled as they caught the light.

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