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I didn't have to wait long until a sleek black Audi R8 Spyder pulled up in front of me, I smiled checking my surroundings before jumping into the passenger seat.

"What did you do speed here?" I joked, clicking my seat belt in as he took off at high speed.

"Hey it sounded urgent so I thought I had to get here fast" He smiled innocently while gripping the wheel.

I rolled my eyes, he'd use any excuse to drive fast.

"Save your racing ways for Louis" I teased, raising an eyebrow at him.

"My pride was at stake Claud I had to!" He stated trying to defend his actions.

"Yet you were the one who initiated the race Conor" I fought back, knowing he would back down to that.

According to SugarScape Louis Tomlinson and Conor Maynard had a drag race in there new cars, some believed the story others didn't but as an eye witness I know this little stunt went down.

"Well considering your already in the mood to race how about you take us somewhere fun and quick" I asked, placing my head against the window and closing my eyes.

"Hey" Conor spoke as he grabbed my hand, "Is everything okay?" I sighed opening my eyes and looking in his direction.

"Can we talk about it later, I just would rather forget it please" I pleaded, looking deep in his eyes so he knew I was serious.

He let out a deep breathe nodding. He gave my hand a small squeeze before placing it back on the steering wheel.

"But were talking about this later and I don't care how long it takes before you confess" He warned, in a serious tone.

Conor was never one to act serious he'd rather have fun and be stupid, but if it was important he knew how to lay down the law, be responsible and unfortunately one of those times was now.

"Fine but just not now, I just wanna take my mind off it for a while" I admitted, looking down at my tummy while playing with my hands in my lap.

"I get it Claud, now come on were here" He confirmed, stoping the car outside his "bachelor pad"

I raised an eyebrow in doubt, he rolled his eyes gesturing for me to get out of the car with his hand.

I reluctantly got out and waited for him to come around to my side of the car.

"Don't look so worried Claud" He chuckled placing an arm around my shoulder and pulling me towards the entrance of the building.

"How do I know your not just trying to get me into bed, I mean this is your 'crib' after all" I joked trying to sound as dramatic as I could.

He chuckled lightly, waving to the man at the front desk, as we headed towards the lift.

The lift here was just like the one back at my hotel in London, you have to swipe a key for the elevator to work that way not just anyone can get up to the rooms, Conor's was the top floor penthouse, I hadn't been inside yet as he only just bought it but from what Iv'e heard it's insane.

"Welcome to casa di Maynard" He joked excitedly as the elevator doors opened, and boy was I stunned.

His crib was loaded, I didn't even own this much stuff, I was very intrigued.

"Maison de Maynard, tueur" (house of Maynard, killer) I spoke slowly taking in every aspect of his house.

All I could see was the lounge room but I was truly impressed, a large couch occupied the middle of the room, movie screen on the way, pool table, bar, pinball machine, a door that said recording studio. If I didn't know who lived here I would defeintly think Chuck Bass, except for the recording studio, I mean Chuck doesn't sing.

Claudia Styles Dirty Little SecretWhere stories live. Discover now