I'm Glad You Came

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I’m Glad You Came

I wanted to slap the door their faces...but what kinda of boyfriend would I be if I did that.

I looked up to meet Nathan’s eyes he was just as mad as I was...but for reasons that may have been different. I knew their was tension between him and Claud right now but obviously she had really run herself to the ground this time. 

“Where was she?” I asked a little bitterly. I looked behind Nath to see her clutching the pole for support, she was a right mess.

“She was on the beach, rambling something about Sam and Ryan, Lou I’m a little worried about her. What have they done to scare her so much?” He asked, stepping to the side to let me pass. 

“I wish I knew mate, but she is determined to keep the lads and I in the cold about it.. I don’t even think she will let Aston know.” I sighed trailing off. 

“Yeah she was rambling about the lads..not getting involved.. You reckon she was talking about us all?” He questioned as I grabbed Claudia, a little bit rougher then needed. 

“Could be Nath, but I guess we wont know until the right time” I replied walking back towards the door where he was standing. 

“Thanks for looking out for her, had I known where to start looking I would have” I confessed, holding Claudia close to my side. 

He nodded, placing his hands in his pocket. “I wish I could say it was my pleasure but I’m sure she has already told about the tension between us”  I felt a little bad for him, I didn’t know what Claud and had done and neither did she but it clearly messed with his head. 

“Yeah she has, and I’m sorry about that mate. I really hope you two can work it out. I know she really misses you” I sighed, rubbing her back a little, I knew  she could here us but she wasn’t paying attention.. 

Drunk girls…. 

His lips twitched into a smile, nodding he turned on the spot and left. I sighed once more closing the door and heading towards the lads. 

“Hay boys, she’s alright but I’m gonna take her up to bed” I yelled from the door way. 

A chorus of yeah’s, okay’s and I hope she is okay, hit my ears. I nodded, giving them a little wave and heading up the stairs towards her room. 

I opened the door slowly and closing it behind me, by now Claudia was a bit more alert, she obviously hadn’t drunken as much as she had lead on because the look I gave her snapped her out of her mood. 

“You wanna tell me what the fuck you were thinking!” I yelled, stepping closer towards her. I knew it would only be a few more steps before she was trapped with her back against the wall, and to my delight that happened, I placed both hands either side her waist so she couldn’t escape. 

“I was -” She started to say but I continued to yell. 

“Do you know how worried I was!” I screamed pushing her harder against the wall.

“Louis I didn’t-” I cut her off once again. 

“11 fucking hours Claudia! And no word from you at all, what the hell do you have to say for yourself!” Our faces were inches apart now.

“Well I -” She tire to get out but of course I interrupted once more. 

“I can’t believe how-” Now it was hr turn to interrupt me. 

“For fuck sake Luis how can I answer your fucking questions if you keep cutting me off!” She yelled, gripping my shirt in her hands. My lips hovered over hers, I was shocked and dumb founded at her sudden change in attitude, and to be honest I was quite turned on. 

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