Angel's Will Die

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Angels Will Die…

Niall’s POV

After Claudia ran off their was an erie silence between us all, I wanted to think the lads hadn’t believed a word that scum bag had said but I was wrong, they all believed him, but I just couldn’t, something about what Claudia had been saying to me earlier stop me from believe those words he had said. 

It didn’t make sense, why would see lie about it, she had told us all she couldn’t get pregnant why would she lie and say that if this Rose was hers. And the whole Sam thing I still didn’t quite understand it, but I knew deep down their was more to it and I was going to find out exactly what that was. 

“Well I’d hate to cut this reunion short but I have to go” Ryan said before slipping away, Asher and Logan following him, but something in his Logan guys eyes, told me to follow, I had a feeling he wasn’t completely on Ryan’s side. 

“Guy’s! We have to follow him, I know you believe everything that freak has said and why you do I don’t know, but I can just tell their is more to it.” I stated looking at them all, most of them shifted uneasily on their feet, not looking at me. Louis looked annoyed with me. 

“Niall, maybe it’s time you realise that some people just don’t have a good side to them, that they lie and there isn’t anymore to it” Louis spoke placing a hand on my shoulder. I pulled away from him, I couldn’t believe what he was saying. 

“Are you kidding me! Harry are you real going to leave your… school friend like that, Aston, Nath she is your best friend you know her better then anyone there is no way you could believe any of this! And Louis you love her, are you really willing to give that up because of something this guy none of us know well has said, even though we knew Claudia feared him?” I was hoping my words had gotten to them.

“Maybe he is right, I mean Aston, Lou, we were their the day Ed took her, he seemed so sure it was his and Lillie’s I doubt Claud could even con him into something like that” Zayn said smiling at me. 

“Well, come on lets get to the bottom of this!” I stated, turning on the spot and following the way Ryan had gone. 

 * * *

I couldn't say exactly where he had gone, and I was starting to worry that we wouldn’t find her in time, I couldn’t bare it if he had gone and done something to her and none of us stopped him. 

“Guys come on, where could she have go-” I could here the silent song of a person singing, and that stopped me from continuing my sentence. 

“Can you here that?” I questioned as they all gathered around me. “It sounds like… Claud” Louis said, clearly knowing what her voice sounded like. 

“Come on!” I yelled, running three some trees, towards the singing, I ran ahead of the lads until I came to a clearing to see Ryan yelling words at her, as she stood on the edge of the cliff. 

“Just jump!” Ryan yelled, I bolted forward knocking him out of the way in the process.

“No!” I screamed grabbing Claud just before she could jump. We fell backwards on the floor, her head cradled against my chest, so she wouldn’t get hurt.

“Niall?” She questioned before fainting. 

“Stop right their Ryan Butler!” Someone behind me screamed, I turned my head to see, Simon, Tina and Logan with what looked like the FBI behind them.

“Wait what?” I questioned picking Claudia up and walking over towards them. 

“Logan?” I questioned as the lads came over to see what was going on. “I see you got my little message” He chuckled, taking Claudia out of my hands. 

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