Ryan Strikes Again

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Ryan Strikes Again

Claudia’s POV

“It’s to hot in here” I complained trying to move around but I was stuck in between two big people, I looked to my left then the my right. 

Great I’m stuck between Logan and Asher while Ryan sat in front of me staring intently

 I had managed to work out that we were in a limo going where I don’t know, my head was still spinning, my eyes were a little less blurry, I couldn't think straight at all and there was major tense building up...you know..Down stairs and I had a feeling why. 

There was a reason the new bar guy had seemed so odd, he works for Ryan and was feeding me drugged drinks, it was like Darren restaurant, one of the reasons I had managed to work everything out. 

“That it is maybe we should take some of these clothes off” Asher murmured next to me, moving his hands to un zip the rest of my jacket.

I squirmed trying to get away. “Asher enough, wait until we get to the apartment” He sneered, I looked up at him he was smiling evilly. I gulped, placing my hands to my head. 

“Whats wrong Claud? Not feeling to well” Logan laughed beside me, placing a hand on my knee. I jolted forward my head snapping towards him. “Don’t touch me” I half groaned half spat. All three of them chuckled, as I squirmed to get Logan’s moving hand of the thigh. 

I let out an annoyed groaned, before pulling my hand up quickly to slap him while kicking Asher at the same time. “Hay! That’s enough” Ryan bellowed, pulling Asher off his seat in the limo and swapping while Logan restrained me. 

“Do that again” Ryan spat, holding my thigh in my hand, while his other grabbed my chin, Logan still hand a tight hold on my hands so I wasn’t going anywhere. 

“ And there will be even more severe consequence, I warn you Claudia don’t fuck with me” His hand slide to the inside of my upper thigh, giving it a hard squeeze, I cried out in pain as his lips came to my ear. “Got it?” 

I nodded letting out a little whimper. I knew their was no point in resisting their sleazy hands, or fighting back I just had to go along with it.

It was 3 maybe even more against one.. I thought the bitch was back, that no one could mess with her, but I was foolish to believe that, I thought I could handle this by myself but I was wrong...dead wrong.

Ryan is to powerful, I can’t stop him and I just hope that now he has me he’ll leave everyone else out of it…

I sighed, no longer struggling, no longer complaining, I just laid my head on Logan’s shoulder, hoping to spark the compassion I know he has in the bottom of that heart of his…  

I always thought he had a thing for me anyway 

Ryan chuckled, rubbing his hand continuously up and down my inner thigh, “Good girl” He whispered close to my ear. Logan let out a shaky breath while placing a hidden arm around my waist. 

Maybe their was hope i’d make it out of this alive… or not

I felt something sharp pierce the side of my leg, as Asher let out a bellowing laugh, I felt suddenly dizzy as my eyes fluttered close.  

 * * * 

“Ryan was that really necessary” That voice sounded like Logan’s, it was a little bit more girlier, a little like Louis but had more of a London accent then a Doncaster one. “Don’t tell me your going fucking soft on me now Logan” Ryan laughed, I could spot his voice from a million miles away. 

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