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Y/N's P.O.V

Lia came towards me and punched me in the face. My nose started bleeding. "Oh, I'm sorry for ruining your pretty face" Lia said while smirking. Oh yeah, Lia is one of the popular girls in my school, she's just. ........OK in her studies, she makes me do her work and if I don't do her work she bullies me. I didn't do her work and now she's bullying me. Another punch came across my face. I fall to the ground. Ughh I can't take it anymore!!! I'm done getting bullied all the time. I stood up and punched her in the stomache with all my strenght. I hear people gasp in shock. That's right I just punched her~. Lia stares at me in shock and her anger starts building up. She came towards me to punch me again but I dodge it. I smirk at her and kick her. She falls to the ground. I grab her colar and slap her across the face. I make a fake sad face "oh I'm sorry .......for ruining your ugly face!" I say and smirk and punch her in the face. Lia starts sobbing.I guess that's enough, you sigh and you leave the school building. I think that was too much.....Oh Wait..... NO it wasn't! I should've beat the crap out of her! Y/N you should've done more than that! She bullied you a lot remember?
Ugh just foget about it. I head for home and after 20 minutes of walking which seemed like forever I finally reached home. I reach for the keys in my bag and unlock the door. I sigh as I  see the empty house. My Mom had moved somewhere else as she said that she didnt want to live with me and Dad. My Dad was a busy guy and mostly spent his time in America and of course I have no siblings.

Authors P.O.V

You went to your room and changed into comfortable clothes. You went to the bathroom and examined your face in the mirror. It was HORRIBLE. Your nose had stopped bleeding but you had a cut on your cheek and your bottom lip. You washed your face and decided that you'll just put makeup on your face to cover the big cut on your cheek. You suddenly hear your phone ringing.

Y/Ns P.O.V

I suddenly hear my phone ringing. It was from Dad, I was smiling ear to ear. I quickly answered it. "hey dad!" i said.
"hey Y/N! How's my daughter?" my dad asked. " I'm fine dad, how are you?" i replied. My Dad answered " I'm good, and I have sone news for you~~~~"
Wow Dad has some news for me, what is it!?!?!? "yes dad? I'm all ears" i say while grinning. My Dad answers " My friends son is moving to to South Korea and guess what? He will be studying at the same school as you and he might have the same class too!" wait what? That's weird, why is he telling me that? Yours dad speaks again" You have to become friends with him as it will be his first time there." I say in an unusual tone"oh...ok, what's his name?" My dad replies cheerfully" His name is Min Yoongi." "oh that all?" I say in a sad tone, I actually thought he'd say something like ' I'm taking a break from work and I'm coming home' but no, it was just to tell me about his friends stupid son. I hear dad reply " yeah and got to go, bye Y/N!" i reply in a cold tone"yeah bye"

I threw my phone on the bed. I didn't care about your Dad anymore. He doesn't even care for me, everyone hates me, even Mom and Ella left me.....and my Dad always busy with his work.

Y/N's past

Ella was your BFF who protected you from Lia, she was really nice and kind, she was always there for you but one day she dissapeared. You tried contacting her every single way but you didn't get any reply. One day you asked the headmistress about Ella, she said that Ella moved schools, she goes to a different school now. That was the worst day ever, Ella didn't even say goodbye. It hurt you more than when your mom left you because you knew she didnt love you.

End of Y/N's past.


Guess I have to meet this Min Yoongi guy, you sigh and drift off to sleep.

Here's the first chapter, I hope you all like it :-)

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