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I'm really sorry for not updating,my exams are next week so i didn't get the time. enjoy :)

Y/N's P.O.V

The door bell rang and i got up from the sofa. I headed towards the front door. I opened the door and saw first i was confused to see her but then i saw her hands, they were covered in blood. My eyes wide opened and i gasped. Tears started rolling down her cheeks. All of a sudden she hugged me. I just stood there confused. Should i comfort her and ask her what happened?

I patted her back to comfort her. I took her to the lounge. She sat on the sofa and kept crying. I went to the kitchen and poured water in a glass. I went back to her and gave her water. She drank the water and looked at me. I spoke up,"what happened?" Lia looked down and answered," i killed Yeri..... i killed my boyfriend...". Wait...what? She killed Yeri?!?! I said in a low calm voice," why?" She clenched her fists," He was abusing me again.... I couldn't take it anymore, so i ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife when i got the chance...". I silently listened to her, she continued," I knew he would come after me so I hid behind the kitchens door, and waited for him. I heard his footsteps getting closer. When he entered the kitchen, i attacked him from behind. I kept stabbing him.... I didn't stop....When i came into my senses, Yeri was under me, i was sitting on top of him with a knife in my hand...". 

What should i do now?

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