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Yoongi's P.O.V

Wait what!?!? The doctor didn't say anything about memory loss!!! "Y/N, don't you remember me??? Min Yoongi?", I said in a worried tone. She shook her head 'no'. I sighed, I should call the doctor. I was about to leave the room when I heard Y/N laughing. I looked at her with a confused look,"what?". "I-i was joking.....y-you fe-fell for it", she said while laughing. Whaaaaaaaat. "What the heck! Y/N L/N! How can you do this!?! Joke at a time like this?!?! damn, do you know how worried I was??", I said, basically scolding her. She stopped laughing and raised an eyebrow at me. "What?", I asked. "You were worried???", she said. "Dumbass! Of course I was!!! We're friends ya-know!",i said. She made an 'ohhhh' face.

Y/N's P.O.V

When I regained conciousness I found Yoongi on the sofa curled up, he was texting someone. I was about to call him but an evil idea came into my mind. I should make him think that I lost my memory. I made a groaning sound and he quickly looked at me. He quickly ran to me. " Y/N, your finally awake".
I looked at him with a confused face," I'm sorry, but do I know you?", I said. He was shocked," Y/N don't you remember me??? Min Yoongi?". I shook my head 'no'. He sighed. He slowly moved towards the door and I bursted out laughing. He looked at me confused. I told him that I messed up with him and he started scolding me. Min Yoongi.... You sound like a mom.
We talked for some time. I was really hungry now >< . Suddenly my stomache made a weird sound. My face went red in embarrassment. Yoongi chuckled and asked me," Are you hungry? I'll treat you something~". I nodded quickly. "Wait, I'll be back", he said and left the room. Ahhhh he's so nice~~~~~ I heard someone opening the door. Wait why is Yoongi back so early? He just went. "Back al-", I stopped speaking when I saw Lia standing.

Hope ya liked it~ why is Lia at the hospital? To ask Y/N for forgiveness or to talk about Yoongi again? Wait for the next chapter~~~~~ love you guysss!


Lia was smiling at me. I scoffed,"what do you want?". Lia slowly moved towards you. You scanned her face carefully. She had a fake smile on her face. Also, her face had cuts and bruises. She said," Y/N-ah~ I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done that... Please forgive me...". I laughed sarcastically," I know why you are asking for forgiveness. You aren't really sorry. I can tell it by your expression. Your just doing it for Yoo-", I couldn't finish my sentence. She punched me. She hit me really hard, I coughed some blood. I tried punching her back but she stopped me. She got on top of me. She was about to punch me again but someone grabbed her wrist and threw her on the floor.

This is the end of this chapter~

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