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Y/N's P.O.V

Why isn't she answering me? She's just staring at me with a blank face. She stared at me a few more minutes and the she walked towards me. She caressed my cheek," You've grown so much Y/N...", she smiled. I hugged her. Yoongi left us alone for some time. My eyes started watering. Tears rolled down my cheeks. "Ella you shouldn't have left me... I suffered a lot...I missed you so much..", I said. " I know Y/N, and I'm really sorry for leaving you like this", she was holding back her tears.
"Ella", I whined like a kid. " Do you have to leave?", I pouted. "Yes Y/N, I'll come over later", she said putting her hand on my shoulder. Yoongi pouted," Why aren't you sad on ME leaving?". I chuckled," why would I miss you? Wait...BTW where is your friend Jung....Jungkook! Yeah jungkook! Where is he?". Yoongi replied," Oh yeah, forgot to tell you, he left before Ella came". I made an 'ohhh' face. "We'll be going now~", Ella said. Yoongi shot his gummy smile at me and Ella hugged me. I waved to them.

I sighed as I turned on the T.V. I'm all alone now... I'm already bored. Well, at least I get to see Yoongi at school and he might visit me sometimes.

The door bell rang. I yawned as I got up from the sofa and headed towards the front door. I opened the door and there I saw Lia ...... With bloody hands....

Hehehehe hehehehe
Have fun y'all
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And btw
There will be a book 2 of this story so yeah... :)
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