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*The next day*

Ella's P.O.V

Yoongi gave me the address of where he was living. The neighborhood felt familiar. I reached the place and rang the doorbell. This is a very familiar place........ I don't remember exactly who lived here. Ah never mind. I rang the door bell again. The door opened revealing Yoongi. I hugged him without saying anything. I missed my little brother so much!!! I don't even remember, when was the last time I saw him? I broke the hug and he smiled," Hi noona". He looks so different.
We kept talking at the door, when I heard a familiar voice asking Yoongi,"Yoongi-ah! Who's at the door? Is your sister here?". He replied,"yes!". Then a familiar figure appeared.
I looked at her, It was Y/N. I managed to say,"Y/N.....". Her eyes wide open when she saw me,"Ella?!?".

Y/N's P.O.V

I went to see Yoongi's sister. She looked at me and said,"Y/N....". I realized who she was,"Ella?!?". I quickly ran to her and hugged her. Tears started to form in my eyes. It's been so many years. I broke the hug and made an angry face,"Why did u leave me???". My voice sounded like I could cry any second.

Hope u like it and please support my friends!!!
Thank you!
-Washma <3

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